Компоненты с сайта

21 - Blur Menu FX

- vertical/horizontal orientation
- supports any type of font
- left/center/right alignment
- customizable bevel and shadow effects
- reflection effects for each item
- use any colors and roll over/out effects (blur, scale)
- many more customizable properties on the Live Demo

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
26 - Circular Gallery FX

- customizable widths and heights for the whole application
- many background and shade properties
- possibility to use images and videos
- the size of the images is customizable as well as the size of the circle
- the text is HTML/CSS formatted
- there are various effects on mouseover and on maximize
- many other features on the Live Demo

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
29 - Cover Flow FX

- Papervision3D engine
- multiple camera and plane views
- auto play options
- extensive tooltip properties
- unlimited number of images
- supports multiple types of images
- customizable overall width and height
- supports different images widths and heights
- configurable reflection
- optional scroll bar with multiple skins
- external PNGs (changeable) for play/pause buttons

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
30 - Customizable Grid Gallery FX

- completely customizable gallery which uses the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся component, keeping the same multiple configurable properties of the grid and adding many gallery properties, image transitions and text effects
- you can customize your XML list of image transitions using the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- you can customize your XML list of text effects using the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- the images in the gallery can be displayed according to bestFit, boxFit or forceFit options
- customize all your properties in the full screen configuration panel and hit "generate settings XMLs" button

Here are some specific properties of the image grid:
- unlimited number of rows and columns
- option to go to an URL when clicking an image or to enlarge the image
- CSS formatted text in both tooltip and description
- unlimited number of images (JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP supported)
- external PNG (changeable) for next/previous arrows
- configurable images border and spacing
- enlarging effects

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22 - Calendar FX

- customizable widths and heights for the whole application
- the text is HTML/CSS formatted
- many background and shade properties
- customizable features for cells/current day/day with event
- ability to change skin for info box (event day)
- many other features on the Live Demo

23 - Chain Gallery FX

- customize the path that the pictures follow using the parameters under the Animation tab
- 2 orientations: horizontal and vertical
- finite and infinite animation types - the latter allows you to scroll indefinitely
- select the type of effect applied to the photos upon rollOver under the Image tab
- 2 positions for the info box: top and bottom
- HTML/CSS formatted text
- autoplay functionality (just set the Animation > startSpeed to something greater than 0)

24 - Charts FX

- customizable chart gradients via XML
- multiple chart types
- 11 popular categories of charts: from 3D Pie to Lines/Dots
- custom legend
- timeline feature (input multiple collections of data - grouped into months, years etc.)
- many other features on the Live Demo

25 - Circles Photo Gallery FX

- 2 very distinct layouts: neatly organized circles or random position on stage within a given radius (image > distance attribute)
- supports multiple categories of photos (when on stage, the categories can be minimized by clicking the image in the middle of the pictures of any given category)
- the thumbnails can either be circles (customizable radius) or rectangles (customizable width and height)
- several rollOver and rollOut picture effects (if, however, you would not like to have an effect applied, set the behavior to "Colors")
- choose whether to make the component resize the images (to a customizable size) or display them at their original resolution (in which case, when you open the image, you will be able to scroll it)
- customizable animation start/end positions for picture and text field
- 100% HTML/CSS formatted text
- fully customizable skins

27 - Contact Form FX

- you can create your own custom fields and indicate which is required and which is not in the self explanatorydata.xml file
- customizable widths and heights for the whole application
- various options for the labels customization
- many background and shade properties
- properties for the layout personalization
- different customizable properties text fields
- many other features on the Live Demo

28 - Countdown FX

- fully customizable flipping countdown
- you can enable/disable the days, hours, minutes and seconds and put them in any order you like
- you can customize the overall width and height and each item's width and height
- shadow properties like distance, angle, color, blur, alpha
- font faces, sizes and colors
- multiple languages support
- item corner radius, spacing, border width, split size

31 - Dock Gallery FX

- completely customizable Dock Gallery which uses the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся component, keeping the same multiple configurable properties of the menu and adding many gallery properties, image transitions and text effects
- you can put the dock menu on any position over the gallery, and you can have it hidden on roll out
- you can customize your XML list of image transitions using the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- you can customize your XML list of text effects using the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- the images in the gallery can be displayed according to bestFit, boxFit or forceFit options
- customize all your properties in the full screen configuration panel and hit "generate settings XMLs" button

Here are some specific properties of the dock menu navigation:
- customizable min and max thumbs width and height
- three expanding directions
- thumbs spacing
- optional auto scrolling
- multiple scrolling and speed properties
- various roll over behaviors
- HTML/CSS formatted tooltip

32 - Dock Menu FX

- both horizontal and vertical alignment
- customizable min and max images width and height
- three expanding directions
- images spacing
- optional auto scrolling
- resizable to the extent of 1680 x 1050 pixels
- multiple scrolling properties and speed
- various roll over behaviors
- HTML formatted tooltip

33 - Dropdown Menu FX

- possibility to have multiple levels menu
- the text is HTML/CSS formatted
- specify the text orientation and alignment
- roll over/out animation effects
- embed any font
- specify an action for each item
- many more customizable properties on the Live Demo

36 - Flip Text FX

- the text is HTML/CSS formatted
- supports external RSS/Atom feeds, local XML files and tweets
- awesome text effects
- many background and shade properties
- many other features on the Live Demo

38 - Horizontal PopMenu FX

- customizable position and animation of the menu items
- different images for Normal, RollOver, and Active state
- customizable sound effects for RollOver and Click events
- support for background and shade customization
- many more customizable properties on the Live Demo

39 - HTML Content Scroller FX

- text is HTML/CSS formatted
- embed any font
- auto scroll functionality
- many background and shade features
- mouse wheel scroll
- many more customizable properties on the Live Demo

43 - Image Grid FX

- unlimited number of rows and columns
- option to go to an URL when clicking an image or to enlarge the image
- resizable to the extent of 1680 x 1050 pixels
- CSS formatted text in both tooltip and description
- unlimited number of images (JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP supported) and SWFs
- external PNG (changeable) for next/previous arrows
- configurable images border and spacing
- enlarging effects

44 - Image List FX

- multiple animation start points
- customizable number of visible photos
- awsome rollOver effects
- autoplay feature
- adjustable picture size
- HTML/CSS tooltip text

45 - Image Scroller FX

- finite or infinite scrolling
- supports different thumbs dimensions
- multiple scrolling properties
- customizable speeds on rolling out and over the scroller
- expand/zoom effects on rolling over a thumb
- low CPU usage
- external assets for arrows and preloader
- color and transparency roll over effects
- customizable reflection
- 20 customizable tooltip properties
- supports JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF and SWF for the thumbs, configurable through images.xml file
- overall dimensions resizable to the extent of 1680 x 1050

47 - Image Slider FX

- autoPlay function
- supports an unlimited number of images (JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF) and SWFs
- customizable widths and heights for the whole application, for each item and for each image
- external play/pause and left/right buttons
- the text is HTML/CSS formatted with any possible style, color, size
- reflection effect for the items
- customize the number of visible items and the number of simultaneous slides
- different movement effects upon sliding items
- customizable preloader through external SWF
- many other particular properties on the Live Demo


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Последнее редактирование модератором:
34 - Elite Gallery FX

- completely customizable Elite Gallery which uses the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся component, keeping the same multiple configurable properties of the menu and adding many gallery properties, image transitions and text effects
- you can put the dock menu on any position over the gallery, and you can have it hidden on roll out
- you can customize your XML list of image transitions using the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- you can customize your XML list of text effects using the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- the images in the gallery can be displayed according to bestFit, boxFit or forceFit options
- customize all your properties in the full screen configuration panel and hit "generate settings XMLs" button

Here are some specific properties of the dock menu navigation:
- customizable min and max thumbs width and height
- three expanding directions
- thumbs spacing
- optional auto scrolling
- multiple scrolling and speed properties
- various roll over behaviors
- HTML/CSS formatted tooltip

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
35 - Flexible Media Gallery FX

- completely customizable gallery which uses the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся component, keeping the same multiple configurable properties of the menu and adding many gallery properties, image transitions and text effects
- you can put the image scroller on any position
- you can customize your XML list of image transitions using the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- you can customize your XML list of text effects using the Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- the images in the gallery can be displayed according to bestFit, boxFit or forceFit options
- customize all your properties in the full screen configuration panel and hit "generate settings XMLs" button

Here are some specific properties of the image scroller navigation:
- horizontal or vertical alignment
- customizable thumbs width and height
- various roll over behaviors
- thumbs spacing
- optional auto scrolling
- multiple scrolling and speed properties
- HTML/CSS formatted tooltip
- background and shade customizable properties

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
37 - Focus Slider FX

- customizable widths and heights for the whole application
- awesome depth of field effects that blurs the pictures that are far away
- two types of navigation: button or drag and scroll
- HTML/CSS formatted text
- many background and shade properties
- supports images(JPG, PNG, BMP) and FLV files
- photos can be oriented horizontal or vertical
- many other features on the Live Demo

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
40 - Image Before and After FX

- customizable widths and heights for the whole application
- the text is HTML/CSS formatted
- autoplay function
- possibility to specify the number of separators/images
- orientation of separators: vertical or horizontal
- many background and shade properties
- many other features on the Live Demo

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
41 - Image Field FX

- Papervision3D engine
- customizable widths and heights for the whole application
- the text is HTML/CSS formatted
- multiple text effects customizable using Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- the images can link to an url
- possibility to use SWF and FLV files
- many background and shade properties
- many other features on the Live Demo

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