Font Awesome Pro v6.7.2 - Icon library and toolkit


16 Июл 2016
Font Awesome is the Internet's icon library and toolkit, used by millions of designers, developers, and content creators.


6.7.2 (Released December 16, 2024)

  • Fixed minification bug that caused problems with libraries like jQuery and older Safari versions
  • Updated the Library.add() TypeScript definition to be more typey and scrippy
  • Missed a hard-coded "fa" in the SCSS assets which caused issues showing version 4 icons
  • Don't define --fa--fa in free distribution since that's specifically for Duotone icons

6.7.1 (Released November 20, 2024)

  • Added a square version of the Bluesky logo. Follow us on Bluesky here..
  • Flipped the direction of the hydra to match our other animals
  • Removed alternative text from content CSS properties to fix Safari < v17.4
  • Made sure the new CSS logo is in Font Awesome Free
  • Adjusted the optical size of the Bluesky logo
  • Optimized the line-weight of the Laravel logo
  • Fixed a glitch in the Sharp styles of the square-parking icon
  • Sharpened the wheels in the new Sharp Duotone carpool icon

6.7.0 (Released November 18, 2024)

  • New Duotone Styles!
    • You're not seeing double... we just added Duotone versions of ALL of our icon styles!
    • Duotone Solid and Sharp Duotone Solid are now joined by: Duotone Regular, Duotone Light, Duotone Thin, Sharp Duotone Regular, Sharp Duotone Light, and Sharp Duotone Thin.
  • Tired of riding solo? A whole new highway lane just opened up to you with our new carpool icon, courtesy of Menlo School.
  • Added the new CSS logo
  • We did a brainstorming session with ErbslandDEV and came up with a number of LLM-related icons including: chart-diagram, comment-nodes, file-fragment, file-half-dashed, hexagon-nodes, hexagon-nodes-bolt, and square-binary.
  • Our other chart icons got jealous, so we added new chart-fft and chart-sine icons, sponsored by Crystal Instruments.
  • We added circles-overlap-3 icon (with a pronoun alias), thanks to Verasoft.
  • Added the logo to our Brand icons, courtesy of
  • Refactored :before and :after Pseudo Elements to use new --fa and --fa--fa properties.
  • Files _duotone-icons.[scss|less] and _sharp-duotone-icons.[scss|less] no longer needed so we removed them.
  • Made sure the Bluesky logo was symmetrical.
  • Fixed an error in our Duotone barcode icon.
  • Made our square-rss icon in Sharp a bit more sharp.
  • Some of our box-dollar icons forgot their dollars. We lent them some cash to cover it.
  • The circle-down and circle-left icons in Classic Regular were accidentally sharp. Now they're not.
  • Using fa-duotone fa-solid now gives you a Duotone Solid icon.
  • Aliases that contained numbers have correct names in Typescript @fortawesome/fontawesome-common-types package.

Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Респект паблику.
Для тех, кому важна скорость загрузки страниц файл "ускорения", шрифты без серий duotone (для себя правил css). "Перепад" веса css в 100 кб - имеет значение (для joomla).
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

При паблике прописываем в мета:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/fontawesome/fontawesome-duotone-no-min.css">
вместо стандартных:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/fontawesome/fontawesome.min.css"> или <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/fontawesome/all.min.css">

Может, кому-то любопытно. На скорость загрузки влияет значимо. Если не "морочиться" совсем ограниченным набором иконок