Плагин TweetMe Pro


Хранитель порядка
19 Окт 2016
1660112208181.pngTweetMe helps you transform important statements into tweet-ready messages. Best of all, each TweetMe can be shared on Twitter with a single click.

Here are the features that make TweetMe a power tool in your arsenal
Box Mode
Create tweetable stylish boxes which stand-out from your content in a call-to-action fashion
Link Mode
Transform direct quotes from your content into distinguishable inline tweetable links
20+ Fancy Looking Themes
Predefined themes that are clearly stand out from the rest of the copy and catch the eye.
Twitter Settings
Increase exposure by mentioning your twitter @username or custom #hashtags in every tweet automatically!
Link Shortening
Free up space within a tweet by shortening links via Bit.ly or Goo.gl or even TinyURL.

Google Web Fonts​

A font's main purpose is to be read. Get your content noticed with beautiful and readable fonts optimized for the web.

Ease of use​

Place it anywhere with just a simple shortcode: {tweetme}your text{/tweetme}

Tweeted with a Single Click​

Want people to share your posts? Make it super easy for them. TweetMe is designed to be tweeted with a single click.

A Clear Call-To-Action​

"Call-to-Actions" are crucial in online marketing. That is why next to each tweetable quote you see a short call-to-action.


Get your visitors tweet your content from any screen is viewed on. It will always fit perfectly and look great.

Cross-Browser Support​

Full support for all the latest versions of each major desktop and mobile browser vendor.

Lightning Fast​

Built with performance in mind. Even link shortening service is taking part in the background. It will never slow down your site.

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