Subdreamer 3.* (и все последующие релизы)

Subdreamer 3.4 null

########## Subdreamer 3.4.0 - April 26, 2011 - Release Notes #########

The following folders MUST be made writable after upload (in FTP):

* Security for SD upgrade script:
* It is now REQUIRED to be currently logged-in to the Admin panel in order
* to execute the SD upgrade script (if current SD version is 3.x)!!!


Please consult the online help for upgrading Subdreamer.

Please consult the Subdreamer forum for any planning/discussion about your
2.6 to 3.3 upgrades.

It is required to upload ALL folders and files to the webserver by FTP!
Be sure that your FTP program is not fixed on "ASCII" or "BINARY" mode,
your FTP program needs to be set to AUTO mode and proper designations 
for what is text and what is not. .php, .js, .css etc. are all 
ASCII for example. Your FTP client should be configure properly by default.

* Follow the upgrade instructions documented starting here:

* After the upload, check to remove the file "/includes/rss.php"!
  This is outdated and an updated file is now residing in the Subdreamer
  root folder.

* If you are using older addon plugins under Subdreamer 2.6, and
are concerned about Subdreamer 3 compatibility, please consult the Subdreamer
forum for any planning/discussion about your 2.6 to 3.3 upgrades and older

* Since 3.2 several plugins are included in the SD release, but require a 
one-time manual installation or upgrade to current versions:
- Forum Stats
- Latest Comments
- Link Directory
- Guestbook
- Chatterbox
- Latest Posts
- Top Posters
- Subcategory Menu
- Users Online

Goto Admin > Plugins > "Install or Upgrade Plugins" and install/upgrade 
above plugins as needed.

* Check plugin download section for updated plugins for 
other officially supported plugins.

* DO NOT INSTALL Event Manager 1.3.7 on Subdreamer 3. If it is already installed,
that is ok, just download the updated 1.3.8 version from and upgrade.
Admin > Plugins > Install or Upgrade Plugins. If you want to do a fresh install 
of the Event Manager plugin, you MUST use 1.3.8 from the website, otherwise your
Subdreamer Forum plugin will potentially be overwritten!

[---------------------------------- CACHING ----------------------------------]
*** What is caching?
Caching, which is active by default within Subdreamer 3.2, means the temporary
storage of frequently used data in special cache files instead of always
fetching the data for each page load from the database.

There is a significant performance increase in loading the frontpage with
caching enabled, especially due to way lower database usage.

*** What is being cached?
The caching is currently done for Subdreamer's "Main Settings", plugin settings
and their language items, "Custom Plugins", Articles and other, frequently
used data (e.g. skin settings and CSS).
Actual contents from downloaded or other plugins is not automatically cached
unless the plugin does make use of the caching mechanism.

*** How to enable/disable caching?
Caching is enabled by default.
The switch to enable or disable caching resides in the file "/admin/prgm_info.php".
Find at the bottom of the file the below mentioned 2 lines and either add or 
remove 2 slashes "//" to/from the beginning of each line (with 2 slashes means
to treat a line as a comment).

define('SD_CACHE_EXPIRE', 2880); // expiration time for cache files in *minutes*
define('SD_CACHE_PATH', ROOT_PATH.'cache/'); // path to writable cache folder

Only if ALL 2 are uncommented and the "cache" folder is writable,
caching will be working. To easily enable/disable caching or to purge the
cache folder, please see page Settings|Cache within Admin panel.

Most importantly: the "cache" folder on the server must be writable which can
be achieved by settings it permissions to 0777 within a FTP tool (or a shell
command line).

*** What's with new content or how long are cache files valid?
Cache files are refreshed with current data whenever it's file is older than
the above given SD_CACHE_EXPIRE value in minutes.
The above default values means a cache file is automatically refreshed after
2 days (2880 minutes = 2 days).
Of course a refresh also occurs if
a) the admin changes any Main Setting, Skin CSS, language phrase or
   plugin setting
b) after an upgrade of Subdreamer to a newer version

The lowest accepted value is 60 (1 hour), highest is 43200 (30 days).
Any other value different from 0 will be defaulted back to 60 minutes.
If the value is for whatever reason set to 0, the cache will also be disabled.


* Articles:
  * The article online status is now instantaneously toggable by a single
    click (change from "Online" to "Offline" and vice versa).

* Comments:
  + added option to require VVC for selected usergroups
  + added email notification options with possibility to edit email
    template and choose a trigger when to send email (off, for all or
    only for the ones requiring admin approval)

* Media:
  + New layout and options, see details and screenshots here:
  + Instant single-/multiple file upload without 100MB size restriction
    (regardless of PHP/server settings). Multiple files are queued and
    uploaded one after the other with a progressbar showing activity.
  + Added filter bar with search option, sort order, display mode
    (thumbnails, details) and page size with instant reload
  + Added notification marker to read-only folders to which uploads
    will fail (in most cases)
  + Added support for multiple video and audio formats
  + Editing media file:
    For images:
    + Added area-selection for cropping and/or resizing of images 
      with live preview window
    + Added watermark options: either a text at specific location (font
      and color are configurable) or a watermark image can be applied.
      Watermark images must be true color PNG or JPG images stored in
      exactly this folder: "/includes/images/watermarks"
      Note: the "/cache" folder must be writable and GD2/Freetype
      installed on the server
    For video / audio:
    + Automatic embedding and viewing of multimedia files, such as
      FLV, MP3, MP4, M4V, OGG, AVI, QT and some others
      Note: not all media types may be working on all browsers and
      may require additional browser "plugins" to work (Flash, QT etc.)
      No support for IE < 8, FF < 3.6/4.x, Opera < 10

* Skins page:
  + Rewritten to load content without page reload (ajax)
  + Advanced editor is now off by default, see Settings|Main Settings
  + Editor will not automatically fallback to simple editor on IE < 9
  + "Hotkeys" help popup for advanced editor
  + Advanced editor now automatically resizes with browser window
  + New skin variables: "[PAGE_NAME]" and "[PAGE_TITLE]"

* Users page:
  + Added filter bar with sort order and page size options;
    filter settings are stored between sessions and page reloads
    For details and screenshots please visit:
  + Loading of userlist is now seamless with faster load times
  + Instant user status change and access to email options by
    clicking on user status (send password or activation link)
  + Instant usergroup change for a user by clicking on usergroup
  + Mass move of multiple users to selected usergroup
  + Emailing to users in batch mode refined to do 10 batches of
    100 emails each before reloading full page; 
    batch mailing now offers pause/resume buttons
  + Usergroups settings: new option to require VVC (or not) per
    usergroup (used by Forum plugin)

* Settings|Main Settings:
  + New section "Skins Options" with option for default editor on Skins page
  + New option "WYSIWYG Starts Disabled" to start wysiwyg editor toggled off
    or on by default when editing e.g. articles or custom plugins
    (only for TinyMCE editor)

* Admin and frontpage should load noticeably faster due to a bugfix
  in compression detection (browser dependent-gzip compression)
* Admin: WYSIWYG editor "TinyMCE": enhanced configuration so that the 
  built-in "Media" plugin (not ours) works with full URL's, linking to 
  e.g. FLV files, to correctly embed and play video
* Added smilies to BBCode editor toolbar
  Note: upgrade imports new "markitup" style sheet to the skin settings!
* User's last activity is now updated with each pageload and displayed
  on the admin Users page
* improved support for avatar display with SD usersystem (Top Posters)
* Install: 
  * fixed a rare installer SQL error with step 3.3.0
  * added comments for installation hinting about min/max username
    and password lenghts; for fresh installs the max. username length
    is changed from 12 to 13 so that "administrator" can login on
    frontpage right away, too

* Forum: 
  + added "Top" link to posts footer to jump to top of page
	* fixed issue with updating user post/thread counts
	* internal: moved most JS out of page to page header
* Forum Stats (SD):
  * fixed an issue with counting posts
* Top Posters
  * added (gr)avatar support for SD Forum
  * top label on frontpage is now contained in "p9_header" div
    in order to be stylable
* User Registration
  + added option for expiration limit (in days) for activation links
    that are sent by email to the user
* Users Online
  + added display of "Most users online..." when Forum Integration is off

* Admin style sheet was changed and new styles added
* New plugin setting type "password" (instead of simple "text" to have 
  the input field displayed masked
* New: includes/class_sd_media.php with classes to
* In includes/javascript several media related files were added,
  which are required for the admin Media page

*Не забываем говорить "Спасибо"
Перестал работать p2_news после апгрейда с 3.3.1

У всех так?
Вопрос немного не в тему, что с сайтом

Спс, тем кто вылаживают сюда нулы)
Сегодня ночью сообщение пришло, что вышла новая версия Саба 3.4.1
Так сразу и вопрос возник: а может у кого уже и завалялась такая для людишек то?