Ultimate Client Manager – CodeCanyon Script
This feature packed system lets you easily keep all your customer and project details in one place. You can keep website information (ftp details, renewal dates), project information (due dates, requirements), support requests (help! my email is broken!) and a PayPal payment history all in one place.
Features (Version 1.0

* Lots! Check out the screenshots and the live demo
* Save customer information
* Store website information
* Receive and reply to support requests from customers
* Allow customers to log in and see their information and payment history
* Track payments easily with PayPal
* Store unlimited custom information fields
* Search customer information
* Alerts and Reminder notifications for domain renewal / hosting renewals / phone calls.. etc…
* and more…
Features (Version 1.1

* a basic ticketing and support system
* a cleaner user interface
* ability to customise the date format
* an easy to use first time setup script
Features (Version 1.2

* Income Report – (beta) View how many invoices you have sent, and how many have been paid.
* File uploading – with wicked image tags! label parts of the image for the user to look at.
* New language – login as a Dutch administrator
* New language – login as a French administrator
* Basic TODO list – set due dates, mark tasks as completed, generate invoice (beta) from todo list.
* Split bills – Split payments into multiple invoices (eg: small Deposit invoice, followed by remaining amount)
* Email Invoices – Optionally send invoices through the ticketing system for better tracking
* Payment Tracking – Keep a history of payment amounts, dates, methods (cash, cheque, paypal, etc..)
* Multiple Currencies – Use $ or £ or any currency you want
Features (Version 1.3.1)
(Available for download soon)
* Easier upgrades to newer versions DONE !
* Updated Turkish (tr) translation by Cem (Thanks!) DONE !
* Updated Dutch (nl) translations by Ruben (Thanks!) DONE !
* Generate invoice from todo list DONE !
* Ability to pick custom invoice numbers DONE !
* Some more improvements to the invoice system DONE !
* Fix all my “short open tag” code DONE !
* Adding those few words that I missed to the translation dictionary
* The double slash // fix for people running this on subdomains
* Made a start on the “settings” tab
* Accept payments through Cheque, Cash, Bank Transfer and Authorize.net