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Плагин Плагин для партнерки Амазона

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Злобный старикашка
3 Май 2006
Версия 1.1, т.е. рабочая =)

ReviewAZON Product Features

  • Get Lifetime updates - Pay once and get lifetime updates and product enhancements for the life of the product.
  • Use ReviewAZON on UNLIMITED Domains! Buy it and use it on some or all of your domains.
  • Access to the ReviewAZON Support Forum: Join our community of ReviewAZON users and get the latest product updates, support information as well as user tips and tricks to make your blog a success!
  • ReviewAZON allows you to display over 25 different pieces of product content such as average customer rating, product description, customer reviews, pricing, brand, manufacturer, product details and more!
  • Detailed product user guide helps you every step of the way when it comes to installing, configuring and using the ReviewAZON Wordpress plug-in. Also learn how to make your own custom templates quickly and easily.
  • Build complete blogs in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks allowing you to focus on other things such as promotion and creating additional blogs.
  • Easy to use and intuitive administrative tools make configuring ReviewAZON a snap!
  • Ajax driven product search dialog screen allows you to search by product category, custom sort parameter and product keywords to find just the products you are looking for quickly to add quality content to your blog in just minutes.
  • Support for all the Amazon Affiliate programs including Canada, United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Japan.
  • Flexible HTML templates let you control the output of Amazon data to your users with virtually unlimited ways to display pertinent and meaningful content to your blog readers.
  • Custom YouTube video search screen allows you to search for YouTube product reviews and add them to your blog to enhance the reader experience.
  • Display Product Accessories and Similar Product listings along side your product post pages by showing them in-line or by using the custom sidebar widgets that come out of the box with ReviewAZON.
  • Use the built in Custom Template Manager interface to make custom template changes on the fly and update all your blog posts with a single save!
  • Custom Template Token Reference tool allows you to see exactly what tokens are available for use with that particular template without having to reference the manual each time you make a change.
  • eBay integration with Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся or Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся enables you to display eBay listings along side the products you are promoting to help increase your ROI and affiliate commissions.
  • Built in custom Sidebar Widgets helps you to display information such as product Brands, Price Ranges and Featured Products to your customers to better help them find the information they need on your blog.
  • Use the built in Tabbed product listing interface to display product information to your users in a tab layout instead of the normal vertical layout.
  • SEO friendly image and product URLs can be configured to display human readable links that not only help your readers but also boost on page SEO for your blog.
  • Output Caching allows you to speed up the rendering of product content to your blog readers by reducing the load time and the number of calls to the Amazon web service.
  • Make your blog product content stand out by providing your readers with timely and informative customer reviews on the products you are promoting.
  • Continuously add product posts to your blog by “Drip Feeding” them over a defined set of time by using the Bulk Product Post feature of ReviewAZON. You can have products automatically post to your blog over the course of days, weeks and even months allowing you to focus on promotion rather than content creation.

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