Компонент JCE with plugins


Куратор темы
6 Фев 2009
JCE (Joomla Content Editor) - это самый популярный редактор содержимого (статей) для CMS Joomla. Тысячи администраторов по всему миру выбрали именно его, взамен любых других (например, TinyMCE).
Этот редактор намного мощнее и имеет расширенные возможности, по сравнению со стандартным TinyMCE, поддерживает различные расширения, дополнения и плагины, в основном плагины платные. Но даже стандартный набор функций просто потрясает воображение. Попробуйте этот редактор и Вы ни за что от него не откажитесь. Простота, легкость и надежность, многовариативное использование, гибкая настройка, поддержка функций:
• Автосохранение страницы через заданное количество секунд;
• Возможность задавать профили для каждого пользователя или для группы пользователей;
• Медиа обозреватель;
• Файловый обозреватель;
• Расширенные возможности по вставке всплывающих окон, изображений и медиа-файлов;
• Уютный, приятный интерфейс, как стандартный, так и задаваемый пользователем вручную.

UPD 29.08.2011 в 15:17
Вопрос: Столкнулся с проблемой. В нем нет JCE Utilities.
Я его использовал для картинок в качестве превьюшек и по клику открывалась полная картинка. Так это реализовать теперь?

Ответ: Вобщем разобрался. В нем не хватало платного плагина оказывается Image Manager Extended.
Кому нужен данный функционал забирайте стразу весь пакет с русским и плагинами.

JCE Editor Pro 2.9.35
Проблема с неразрывными пробелами в данной версии не решена



  • The Link dialog now has a specific set of File Browser options, including File Directory Path, Permitted File Extensions etc.
  • PRO The IFrames dialog now has a specific set of File Browser options, including File Directory Path, Permitted File Extensions etc.


  • PRO IFrames and Media Manager plugins override Media Support Allow IFrames options.
  • PRO An Upload Quality of Resize Quality value of 100% will now be treated as "Not Set" and the original compression value will be retained when the image is saved.


  • PRO Insert Caption button would remain disabled when selecting an image.
  • Incorrect post processing or readmore <hr> tags could result in unexpected content changes.
  • Iframes would be removed even if enabled if the Media Manager was not included in the editor toolbar.
  • Converted Joomla Media fields (Intro Image, Full Article Image etc.) will now include the #joomlaImage values in the url.
  • Permitted File Extensions set in File Browser Options for Link and IFrames would not be applied.
  • Paste As Plain Text using the dialog would not paste the content into the editor.
  • The right-click Context Menu would not show Table Cell, Row and Column menu options.
Всем привет! Подскажите кто-нибудь, как на Joomla 4 установить дополнительные расширения в JCE Editor pro
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.36
Проблема с неразрывными пробелами в данной версии не решена



  • PRO IFrames would be removed if Allow IFrames is Yes if the Media Manager was added to the editor toolbar.
  • An available user.css file will now also be loaded to style the editor for core templates, eg: cassiopeia
  • The alt attribute in a Pagebreak <hr> tag would be removed if using the Joomla Pagebreak button to insert it.

Всем привет! Подскажите кто-нибудь, как на Joomla 4 установить дополнительные расширения в JCE Editor pro
Нашел плагин jce_installer, но в разделе установки дополнений вкладка не появилась, только "Загрузить и установить", "Установить из каталога", "Установить по URL" и "Установить из JED". Кто с этим сталкивался? Там ведь должно быть вкладка для установки дополнительный плагинов для JCE Editor?
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.37
Проблема с неразрывными пробелами в данной версии, вроде бы, решена



  • PRO IFrame Embed code can now be inserted using the dropdown on the IFrame button.


  • PRO The <track> element in <audio> and <video> tags could not be added or edited using the HTML field in the Media Manager dialog.
  • Added a workaround to fix an issue with SP PageBuilder 4 retrieving unprocessed content from the editor.
  • An editor stylesheet asset would produce a 404 error attempting to load a missing font file.
  • Uploading a file when the Allow Root Access filesystem option is enabled would produce an Access to the target directory is restricted error with some configurations.
  • When opening an existing image, file, media with the Image Manager etc. the Folder list would not open and scroll to the correct folder item.
  • Direct upload options were not available in a custom repeatable / sub-form JCE Media Field until the article was saved.
  • JCE Media Field items would not display if the file name contained utf-8 characters.
  • Custom Core Media and JCE Media fields would not be processed correctly in the Fields tab in extensions other than com_content.
  • The Remove Alias option in Link -> Search would convert the url to SEF instead of removing the alias from the non-SEF url.
  • Pasting some formatted html would append a non-breaking space to the content.
  • Media Field would show some images types as invalid when selecting or updating the field
  • Some formatting could not be removed from some selections when Container Element & Enter Key is set to Linebreak:None
  • Dragging and dropping text content inside the editor would add unwanted inline styles to the respositioned text.
  • Dragging and dropping text content inside the editor will now keep any formatting applied to the text.
  • Fontawesome icons are now also loaded with the template stylesheets when using a Helix Ultimate based template.
  • Ordered and Unordered lists would not be correctly processed when pasting content from Word.
  • Icons in the Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters tabs will now show the correct icons based on the Toolbar Theme selected.
  • PHP 8.2 Deprecated message in the JCE Media Field
  • Conversion of custom Media Fields to JCE Media Fields.
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.38



  • German language specific single quotes can be added to a text selection with CTRL + SHIFT + '
  • Load custom.css for editor styling for joomlart templates
  • Added a Show Editor-xtd Buttons option to Editor Profiles to enable/disable loading of Joomla editor-xt plugin buttons by profile.


  • Processing of pasted content is now an always on core feature, with the Clipboard parameters controlling paste options and editor button selection.
  • PRO The File Manager will now embed common document types - docx, xlsx, pdf etc. using the <object> element rather than <iframe> for better cross browser support and to prevent downloading of the file when the browser does not support display of the document.


  • PRO The Media Manager button would remain disabled if a non-media item was selected.
  • PRO Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion options in the Media Manager were not correctly applied as global Supported Media options.
  • Only process Media fields when the page doctype is HTML.
  • Language files of some installed plugins would not be loaded by the editor.
  • Prevent Folder List scrolling if clicking in the Folder List to change directory.
  • Allow script tags to not have a type attribute
  • A Media Field conversion conflict with Firecoders Econa extension
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.38
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***



  • German language specific single quotes can be added to a text selection with CTRL + SHIFT + '
  • Load custom.css for editor styling for joomlart templates
  • Added a Show Editor-xtd Buttons option to Editor Profiles to enable/disable loading of Joomla editor-xt plugin buttons by profile.


  • Processing of pasted content is now an always on core feature, with the Clipboard parameters controlling paste options and editor button selection.
  • PRO The File Manager will now embed common document types - docx, xlsx, pdf etc. using the <object> element rather than <iframe> for better cross browser support and to prevent downloading of the file when the browser does not support display of the document.


  • PRO The Media Manager button would remain disabled if a non-media item was selected.
  • PRO Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion options in the Media Manager were not correctly applied as global Supported Media options.
  • Only process Media fields when the page doctype is HTML.
  • Language files of some installed plugins would not be loaded by the editor.
  • Prevent Folder List scrolling if clicking in the Folder List to change directory.
  • Allow script tags to not have a type attribute
  • A Media Field conversion conflict with Firecoders Econa extension
Проблема с неразрывными пробелами в данной версии решена?
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.39



  • PRO Columns now supports Layouts in fifths.
  • A custom.css file in Joomshaper Helix framework templates is now automatically loaded along with standard template stylesheets for editor styling.


  • PRO Fixed some issues with Columns when Container & Enter Key is None:Linebreak
  • Fixed some general issues when Container & Enter Key is None:Linebreak
  • Updating the Text value when creating or editing a link on a text selection will now work as expected.
  • Prohibit editing of the Text value when creating a link when the selection is a mixed text/element selection.
  • Apply styles to a multi-linebreak selection would apply the style to the linebreaks.
  • Applying block formatting to a multi-linebreak selection will now split the selection at each linebreak.
  • FormField errors when editing a profile in PHP 8.2+
  • Media Field preview would show a "This plugin is not supported" message when selecting non-image media.
  • Some editor-xtd plugin icons were not showing in the Joomla button menu
  • The High Contrast setting now includes a text selection style override.
  • Pasting Excel content would fail with an an error.
  • Paste and Paste As Plain Text dialogs would not be focused when opened.
  • Applying custom styles using the Style Select list which used an element Selector would not be applied correctly.

Проблема с неразрывными пробелами в данной версии решена?
К сожалению пока не проверял. Если проверите отпишитесь, всем будет полезно знать
Последнее редактирование модератором:
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.39
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***



  • PRO Columns now supports Layouts in fifths.
  • A custom.css file in Joomshaper Helix framework templates is now automatically loaded along with standard template stylesheets for editor styling.


  • PRO Fixed some issues with Columns when Container & Enter Key is None:Linebreak
  • Fixed some general issues when Container & Enter Key is None:Linebreak
  • Updating the Text value when creating or editing a link on a text selection will now work as expected.
  • Prohibit editing of the Text value when creating a link when the selection is a mixed text/element selection.
  • Apply styles to a multi-linebreak selection would apply the style to the linebreaks.
  • Applying block formatting to a multi-linebreak selection will now split the selection at each linebreak.
  • FormField errors when editing a profile in PHP 8.2+
  • Media Field preview would show a "This plugin is not supported" message when selecting non-image media.
  • Some editor-xtd plugin icons were not showing in the Joomla button menu
  • The High Contrast setting now includes a text selection style override.
  • Pasting Excel content would fail with an an error.
  • Paste and Paste As Plain Text dialogs would not be focused when opened.
  • Applying custom styles using the Style Select list which used an element Selector would not be applied correctly.

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