[CMS] ETOMITE CMS - для сайта визитки

В админке: управление ресурами > шаблоны
Уважаемые, кто делал регистрацию пользователей на сайте. Треба организовать ограничение доступа к ряду документов- они должны быть доступны только после регистрации. Как все это сделать в этомите?
Ребята подскажите как грамотно реализовать поиск для Etomite как здесь... буду рад любым советам...
как насчет шаблонов у этотй CMS? насколько трудно будет сверстать новичку шаблон под нее?
Подскажите, как выводить заголовки страниц снипетом NewsListing на странице раздела, но чтобы они не показывались одновременно в меню?
Подскажите, как выводить заголовки страниц снипетом NewsListing на странице раздела, но чтобы они не показывались одновременно в меню?
если используешь меню ListMENU то скрой документ, а в снипете NewsListing поправь код - и будет тебе заголовок без текста и скрытое в меню..
$resourceparent = isset($newsid) ? $newsid : $etomite->documentIdentifier;

// set this to the id of the document which contains the 
// snippetcall where ALL news-articles are to be shown.
// the "Older news" text serves as hyperlink
// -1 = ignore this
if (!isset($complete_news_id)) {$complete_news_id = 8;}

// should the author be displayed?   1=yes,   0=no
if (!isset($show_author)) {$show_author =0;}

// should the date-time be displayed?   1=yes,   0=no
if (!isset($show_date)) {$show_date = 0;}

// how many "older news" shall be displayed
// -1 = all of them
if (!isset($older_news)) {$older_news = 20;}

// should the pagetitle, which is used as heading, be clickable?
if (!isset($title_as_link)) {$title_as_link = 1;}

// should the news item text be omitted?   1=yes,   0=no
// goes nicely with $title_as_link!
if (!isset($title_only)) {$title_only = 1;}

// should only active documents be displayed?   1=yes,   0=no
// yes - returns only active documents (i.e. published and not deleted) in the folder
// no - returns all documents (i.e. published, unpublished, deleted) in the folder
if (!isset($show_only_active)) {$show_only_active = 0;}

// What field should the news items be sorted on?
// Typically this would be 'createdon', but there may be
// times where 'menuindex' or another field is preferred.
if (!isset($sortfield)) {$sortfield = 'createdon';}

// What direction should the news items be sorted on?
// Typically this would be 'DESC' descending, but there may
// be times when 'ASC' is preferred.
if (!isset($sortdir)) {$sortdir = 'DESC';}

//===== end of arguments =========

//===== CONFIGURATION: ===============

// number of news items to show a "short story" of
$nrblogs = 15;

// total number of news items to retrieve
// archives is $nrblogstotal minus $nrblogs
$nrblogstotal = 25;

// how many characters to show of news item if splitter not being used
$lentoshow = 500; 

// what indicates the "full story", i.e. the end of the 
// short portion and the beginning of the
// "full story" - this has to be "written" manually in 
// the article's text in HTML-mode (without the apostrophes of course)!
// the <!-- --> makes it a comment which is automatically 
// invisible within the article.
$splitter = "<!--FullStory-->";

// the text to show as full story link
$fullstorytext = "Full Story";

// shall the article be cut off at the *splitter*?   1=yes,   0=no
$use_splitter = 1;

// the text to show for no entries found
$noentriestext = "No entries found.";

// the text to show as heading for older news 
// Note that you must write special characters as html entities. 
$oldernewstext = "News Archives";

// the default author name
$noauthortext = "";
// the date-time format to display based on strftime() 
$timeformat = "%A, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M %p";  #  ( Thursday, 08-Oct-2005 02:00 PM )

// get server offset time in hours
$server_offset_time = $etomite->config['server_offset_time'];
if (!$server_offset_time) {
  $server_offset_time = 0;
} else {
  $server_offset_time = ($server_offset_time / 60 / 60);
// default time offset (+/-) in hours to use
// typically set to the Etomite configuration "server offset time" value
// using the $server_offset_time value calculated above
$default_time_diff = $server_offset_time;

//===== end of configuration =========

// initialise the news variable 
$output = '';
$output = "<ul class=\"newsList\">";

// time adjustment
$timeadjust = ($default_time_diff * 60 * 60);

if ($show_only_active == 1) {
  $resource = $etomite->getActiveChildren($resourceparent, $sortfield, $sortdir, $fields='id, pagetitle, description, content, createdon, createdby');
} else {
  $resource = $etomite->getAllChildren($resourceparent, $sortfield, $sortdir, $fields='id, pagetitle, description, content, createdon, createdby');

$limit = count($resource);
if ($limit < 1) { 
   $output .= $noentriestext."<br />\n"; 

$nrblogs = $nrblogs<$limit ? $nrblogs : $limit; 
if ($limit > 0) { 
   for ($x = 0; $x < $nrblogs; $x++) { 
    $tbl = $this->dbConfig['dbase'].".".$this->dbConfig['table_prefix']."manager_users";
      $sql = "SELECT username FROM $tbl WHERE $tbl.id = ".$resource[$x]['createdby']; 
      $rs2 = $etomite->dbQuery($sql);
      $limit2 = $etomite->recordCount($rs2); 
      if ($limit2 < 1) { 
         $username .= $noauthortext; 
      } else { 
         $resourceuser = $etomite->fetchRow($rs2); 
         $username = $resourceuser['username']; 

//====== Splitter to be used? =====
         if ($use_splitter == 1) {
           if (is_string(strstr ($resource[$x]['content'], $splitter))) {
           // Does the content contain the socalled "splitter"?
             $rest = array();

             // HTMLarea/XINHA encloses it in paragraph's
             $rest = explode('<p>'.$splitter.'</p>',$resource[$x]['content']);

             // For TinyMCE or if it isn't wrapped inside paragraph tags
             $rest = explode($splitter,$rest['0']);

             $rest = $rest['0'].'<p><a class="readmore" href="[~'.$resource[$x]['id'].'~]">'.$fullstorytext."</a></p>\n";
           } else {
             $rest = $resource[$x]['content']; 
//======= End of splitter part ===

         } else { 
//=== no splitter ... normal behaviour: ===
           // strip the content 
           if (strlen($resource[$x]['content']) > $lentoshow) { 
             $rest = substr($resource[$x]['content'], 0, $lentoshow); 
             $rest .= "...<br />\n";
             $rest .= "<h4><a href=\"[~".$resource[$x]['id']."~]\">  Читати далі ...&nbsp;</a></h4>"; 
           } else { 
             $rest = $resource[$x]['content']; 
//======= End of no splitter part ===

         $output .= "\n<li class=\"newsLi\"><h1 class=\"newsTitle\">";
         if ($title_as_link == 1) {
           $output .= "<a href=\"[~".$resource[$x]['id']."~]\">";
         $output .= $resource[$x]['pagetitle'];
         if ($title_as_link == 1) {
           $output .= "</a>";
         $output .= "</h1>\n";
         if ($title_only != 1) {
           $output .= $rest."</p>\n";

         if (($show_author == 1) || ($show_date == 1)) {
           $output .= "<p class=\"postInfo\">Posted ";
           if ($show_author == 1) {
             $output .= "by ".$username." ";
           if ($show_date == 1) {
             $output .= "on ".strftime($timeformat, $resource[$x]['createdon'] + $timeadjust);
           $output .= "</p>";
         $output .= "</li>\n";
$output .= "</ul>\n"; 
if ($limit > $nrblogs) { 
   $output .= "<h2 class=\"oldernewsheading\">";

   //=== is there a document where *all* news are to be displayed? If so
   //=== here is the hyperlink
   if ($complete_news_id != -1) {
     $output .= "<a href=\"[~$complete_news_id~]\">";

   //=== older news text:
   $output .= "$oldernewstext"; 

   //=== is there a document where *all* news are to be displayed? If so
   //=== close the hyperlink
   if ($complete_news_id != -1) {
     $output .= "</a>";
   $output .= "</h2>\n";

   //=== count of older news to be shown:
   if ($older_news == -1) {
     $older_news = $limit;
   } else {
     $older_news += $nrblogs;

   $output .= "<ul class=\"oldnews\">\n"; 
   for ($x = $nrblogs; $x < $limit; $x++) { 

      //=== show only a certain amount of older news:
      if ($x < $older_news) {
        $output .= "<li><a href=\"[~".$resource[$x]['id']."~]\"";
        if (($show_author == 1) || ($show_date == 1)) {
          $output .= " title=\"Posted ";
          if ($show_author == 1) {
            $output .= "by ".$username." ";
          if ($show_date == 1) {
            $output .= "on ".strftime($timeformat, $resource[$x]['createdon'] + $timeadjust);
          $output .= "\"";
        $output .= ">".$resource[$x]['pagetitle']."</a></li>\n";
   $output .= "</ul>\n";

return $output;

у себя такое реализовал и работает...:ay:
Подскажите, как убрать index.php?id=1 в адресной строке (Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся) без установки дополнительных компонентов и модулей, потому как у меня FriendlyURL не работает ...

А где её русификатор можно найти?