Блогорама: макросы
Корень домена блогофермы (/templates/index.html , показывается в
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся )
{site-title} - the title of the site from the settings
{site-domain} - the domain of the site
Цикл loop:blogs
{blog-link} - the full link to the blog inside the BlogSolution
{blog} - the blog address field (usually it’s a keyword with spaces made to “-”)
{blog-title} - title of the blog
Цикл loop:last
{blog-link} - the full link to the blog inside the BlogSolution
{blog} - the blog address field. Usually it’s a keyword with spaces transformed into “-”.
{blog-title} - title of a blog
{post-date} - date of a post
{post-content} - content of a post
{post-content-notags} - content of a post with html tags stripped. Only pure text will display, with no html formatting.
{post-title} - title of a post
{post-title-notags} - title of a post with html tags stripped. Only pure text will display, with no html formatting.
{post-source-item-backlink} - the <link> of rss item (backlink to full article)
{post-source-channel-backlink} - the <link> field of the RSS <channel> - backlink to the channel itself, usually the homepage of the RSS supplier.
{post-source-channel-title} - the <title> of the <channel>, usually name of the homepage of the RSS supplier
{post-source-channel-title-notags} - the <title> of the <channel> without html tags
{post-source-channel-copyright} - the <copyright> field of the <channel>, usually is some text that RSS owner set, can be a name, a title, etc.
{post-source-channel-copyright-notags} - the <copyright> field of the <channel> without html tags
Индекс конкретного блога (/templates/название_шаблона/index.html , отображается в
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся)
{blog-link} - the full link to the blog inside the Blogorama
{blog} - the blog address field. Usually it’s a keyword with spaces transformed into “-”
{blog-title} - title of the blog
{blog-subtitle} - subtitle of the blog
{blog-email} - “email” of the blog
{blog-troot} - template root of the blogs template
{pages} - links to pages if blog is more than 1 page
{site-title} - the title of the site from the settings
{site-domain} - the domain of the site
Цикл loop:linkage
{blog-link} - the full link to the blog inside the BlogSolution
{blog} - the blog address field. Usually it’s a keyword with spaces
transformed into “-” and is editable inside script Settings.
{blog-title} - title of a blog
Цикл loop:hardlinkage
{link} - is the URL for the link that you set in “Add links: To blogs”
{title} - is the anchor text for the link that you set in “Add links: To
Цикл loop:posts
{blog-link} - the full link to the blog inside the BlogSolution
{blog} - the blog address field. Usually it’s a keyword with spaces transformed into “-”
{blog-title} - title of a blog
{post-date} - date of a post
{post-content} - content of a post
{post-content-notags} - content of a post with html tags stripped. Only pure text will display, with no html formatting.
{post-title} - title of a post
{post-title-notags} - title of a post with html tags stripped. Only pure text will display, with no html formatting.
{post-source-item-backlink} - the <link> of rss item (backlink to full article)
{post-source-channel-backlink} - the <link> field of the RSS
<channel> - backlink to the channel itself, usually the homepage of the RSS supplier.
{post-source-channel-title} - the <title> of the <channel>, usually name of the homepage of the RSS supplier
{post-source-channel-title-notags} - the <title> of the <channel> without html tags
{post-source-channel-copyright} - the <copyright> field of the <channel>, usually is some text that RSS owner set, can be a name, a title, etc.
{post-source-channel-copyright-notags} - the <copyright> field of the <channel> without html tags
Страница поста в блоге (/templates/название_шаблона/article.html , отображается в
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся)
{blog-link} - the full link to the blog inside the Blogorama
{blog} - the blog address field. Usually it’s a keyword with spaces transformed into “-”
{blog-title} - title of the blog
{blog-subtitle} - subtitle of the blog
{blog-email} - “email” of the blog
{blog-troot} - template root of the blogs template
{post-title} - title of the post
{post-title-notags} - title of the post with tags stripped
{post-title-startcut} - title of the post cut from the beginning
{post-title-startcut-notags} - title of the post cut from the beginning and without tags
{post-title-endcut} - title of the post cut from the end
{post-title-endcut-notags} - title of the post cut from the end and without tags
{post-date} - date of a post
{post-content} - content of a post
{post-content-notags} - content of a post with html tags stripped. Only pure text will display, with no html formatting.
{post-source-item-backlink} - the <link> of rss item (backlink to full article)
{post-source-channel-backlink} - the <link> field of the RSS <channel> - backlink to the channel itself, usually the homepage of the RSS supplier.
{post-source-channel-title} - the <title> of the <channel>, usually name of the homepage of the RSS supplier
{post-source-channel-title-notags} - the <title> of the <channel> without html tags
{post-source-channel-copyright} - the <copyright> field of the <channel>, usually is some text that RSS owner set, can be a name, a title, etc.
{post-source-channel-copyright-notags} - the <copyright> field of the <channel> without html tags
{site-title} - the title of the site from the settings
{site-domain} - the domain of the site
Цикл loop:posts - последние добавленные посты
{post-link} - the link to a post
{post-date} - date of a post
{post-content} - content of a post
{post-content-notags} - content of a post with html tags stripped. Only pure text will display, with no html formatting.
{post-title} - title of a post
{post-title-notags} - title of a post with html tags stripped. Only pure text will display, with no html formatting.
{post-source-item-backlink} - the <link> of rss item (backlink to full article)
{post-source-channel-backlink} - the <link> field of the RSS <channel> - backlink to the channel itself, usually the homepage of the RSS supplier.
{post-source-channel-title} - the <title> of the <channel>, usually name of the homepage of the RSS supplier
{post-source-channel-title-notags} - the <title> of the <channel> without html tags
{post-source-channel-copyright} - the <copyright> field of the <channel>, usually is some text that RSS owner set, can be a name, a title, etc.
{post-source-channel-copyright-notags} - the <copyright> field of the <channel> without html tags
Плюс, оказывается, существует еще макрос
{fetch(”http://domain.com/page.html”)} - он подгружает содержимое файла в шаблон.
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Надеюсь что я кому-то помог сим постом)