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Плагин Автоблоггинг для WP

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Злобный старикашка
3 Май 2006
AutoBlogged Features

RSS Feed Sources

  • Configure multiple RSS feed sources with the ability to enable or disable individual feeds.
  • Support for RSS 0.9, 0.91, 0.92, 1.0, 2.0, and Atom 0.3 and 1.0 feeds.
  • Integrated feed caching, HTTP Conditional GET support, and support for GZIP-compression to improve performance and reduce bandwidth usage.
  • Support for dozens of RSS modules including Dublin Core, GeoRSS, ITunes, Media RSS, RSS 1.0 Content, W3C WGS84 Basic GEO, XML 1.0, and XHTML 1.0.
  • Numerous pre-defined searches to locate articles via Google Blog Search, Technorati, Blogdigger, Blogpulse, MSN Spaces, Yahoo! News, Flickr, YouTube, and others.
  • RSS Feed autodiscovery–if you don’t know the exact feed URL, just enter the page address and AutoBlogged will find it for you.
  • Built-in feed viewer to help with setting up and troubleshooting feed sources.
  • Ability to override the automatically extracted feed data, such as author or source, with your own static values or values.
  • Set the default post status to Published, Pending, Draft, or Private
Feed Processing

  • Process feeds automatically using built-in pseudo cron feature so an external scheduler is not required.
  • Set a range of intervals for random update scheduling.
  • Manually process all feeds or one feed at a time.
  • Preview feed processing without importing any posts.
  • Disable cron operations without disabling the entire plugin.
  • Allow other feeds to notify your autoblog of updates using an XML-RPC ping.
  • Configure individual feeds to update every time AutoBlogged runs or after every each number of runs you set.
  • Include all posts from each feed, set a limit on posts added per feed, or have AutoBlogged select random posts based on a percentage you set.
  • Automatically create text-only excerpts based on number of words, sentences, or paragraphs.
Post Filtering

  • Domain blacklist blocks posts from certain domains. Excellent way to block sites with spammy content, invalid HTML, or to allow webmasters to exclude their site from your blog.
  • Block posts based on any portion of the URL to prevent posts from a specific type of sites such as forums or to block feeds from certain types of software.
  • Keyword blacklists to exclude posts that contain keywords you specify.
  • Duplicate post checking based on title and/or URL.
  • Automatic filtering of malicious content in posts including SQL injection and cross-site scripting.
  • Feed-specific filtering based on all words, any words, exact phrase, or none of the words specified.
  • Feed-specific search and replace features using regular expressions to rewrite words, URLs, fix invalid content, replace affiliate IDs, etc.
  • Truncate or filter out posts with long titles.
  • Filter out posts where the titles are in all caps or where they contain multiple consecutive exclamation points or other punctuation.
Categories and Tags

  • Assign each feed to one or more blog categories or subcategories or have AutoBlogged randomly select from a list of categories you specify.
  • Search each post for existing blog categories and add them as additional categories or as tags on the post.
  • Visits the original URL to extract additional tags not found in the feed using our own powerful tagging engine–an important SEO feature that will load your blog with related keywords.
  • Add extra tags using the Yahoo! tagging API.
  • Include categories from the original post and add missing categories to your blog if you choose.
  • Tag blacklists prevent certain tags from appearing on a post.
  • Common tags list increases the frequency of popular tags used by Technorati and other tagging sites or modify the list to add important tags for your niche.
  • Provide a list of tags to randomly add to each post to increase the density of long tail phrases and other targeted keywords.
  • Set the maximum and minimum tag length to ensure consistency and readability of your tags.
  • Set the maximum number of tags to add to any post.

  • Specify the author to use for new posts, assign a rando m author or use the name of the original author.
  • If the original author does not exist as an author on your blog, add it, skip the post, randomly pick another author, or specify a default author.

  • Use additional author information from your blog when adding new posts.
Post Templates

  • Post templates let you randomly select from one or more post formats to ensure variety and to accommodate any number of site requirements.
  • Apply different post templates to each of your feeds.
  • Insert variables from the post, original feed, or any values you define.
  • Random Select Lists to add variety to each post.
  • Conditional Select Lists to show alternate fields if one is empty.
  • Include images, video, flash and other content in your blog posts using an embedded video players.
  • Specify a custom player for playing FLV or MP3 files.
  • Build custom post templates to use with affiliate and other non-standard feed formats.
  • Include text-only summaries or entire feed content as your post.
  • Add custom HTML to each post to include NoFollow tags, Javascript, or even WordPress quick tags.
  • Custom fields allow you to create your own post variables and include items as additional custom fields fin Wordpress.
  • Automatic image, logo, and favicon extraction.
  • Include any elements from the original feed based on dozens of supported RSS modules.
  • And of course, you can simply show the original feed content untouched.
WordPress Integration

  • Takes advantage of internal tagging and category engines to ensure strong keyword coverage and site navigation.
  • Full integration with WordPress security and user permission features.
  • Attribute posts to WordPress authors when incoming posts use that author’s name.
  • Uses site information from WordPress blogroll when that site already exists in your blogroll.
  • Automatically adds fields for images, videos, and thumbnails to support a variety of premium themes.
Other Features

  • Set the HTTP Referer and User-Agent strings to use when visiting the original sites to advertise your site or provide opt-out instructions or contact info to other webmasters.
  • Huge speed and performance improvements over previous versions.
  • Commented PHP source code included.
  • Support forum and e-mail support for all registered users.
  • Free minor version updates included.
System Requirements

  • PHP v4.3.2 or later
  • WordPress v2.5 or later
  • SimplePie Core Plugin v1.1 or later
  • PHP cURL extension required
  • PHP Zlib extension recommended

Список изменений:

= Version 2.5.74 - Aug 11, 2009 =
* Added more debugging code for loading extra files
* Added additional WordPress hooks to fix cron issue
* Added code to handle mysql_real_escape_string failures
* Fixed additional problems with tag and category UI elements
* No longer silently drops mismatched post template variables

= Version 2.5.73 - July 30, 2009 =
* Fixed bug that caused empty URL on RSS feeds

= Version 2.5.72 - July 16, 2009 =
* Fixed Yahoo! API tagging feature
* Fixed ab_logMsg error, improved error handling for logging code
* Changed format of zip file to allow uploading and installing directly from WP
* Updated SQL statement for creating database which caused problems in some environments
* Fixed tags box for WP 2.8 admin panel
* Fixed categories box for WP 2.8 admin panel
* Fixed htmlspecialchars_decode backwards compatibility issue

= Version 2.5.61 - June 1, 2009 =
* Fixed WP 2.8 compatibility
* Fixed implode() error on line 1428

= Version 2.5.01 - May 27, 2009 =
* Added detection of html-encoded image references in feed content.
* Fixed handling of custom namespace elements.
* Misc error handling and debugging fixes.

= Version 2.4.25 - April 1, 2009 =
* Fixed several tagging bugs
* Improved exception handling and debugging
* Fixed double brackets bug when using search/replace
* Fixed long title truncation bug
* Fixed filtering bug with empty filters
* Fixed image and thumbnail custom field bugs with various themes
* Added support for Press75 On Demand theme

= Version 2.4.23 - March 4, 2009 =
* Fixed URL parsing error with PHP4
* Renamed simplepie.inc to simplepie.php
* Changed ALLOW_ALL_TAGS behavior to include all html attributes
* Added additional dupe check based on post name
* Added check for wp_insert_user function and error message for old versions of WP
* Import tags from any media thumbnails
* Fixed PHP4 error: parse_url() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given...
* Fixed array_rand error on line 1447.
* Fixed search/replace to also seach video and image fields
* Removed extra custom fields added to each post
* Added support for WPThemesMarket Magazine News theme
* Added support for Press75 themes
* Improved custom RSS module handling to allow heirarchal namespaces
* Fixed last processed and next scheduled times in sidebar in WP 2.7
* Fixed link to modify thumbnail settings in WP 2.7
* Added additional entries to tags.txt and notags.txt files
* Made adjustments to default post template
* Improved WooThemes support
* Custom fields can now override any other field in the post such as Title or Date
* Fixed "Call to a member function get_attribution() on a non-object" error on line 1002
* Fixed bug where category named "Object" appears
* Now assigns only the default category when no category selected for the feed
Версия 2.5.74

С позволения Xp10r3r добавлю ссылочку на оф сайт, мало ли кому понадобится больше информации или минуалы.
подскажите плиз, на русском мануала нету на автоблоггер?
Меня интересует - он умеет посты выдирать (корованы грабить) :) или только с РСС работает?

ЗЫ что-то гугля совсем плохой стал... или это я разучился им пользоваться?
подскажите плиз, на русском мануала нету на автоблоггер?
Меня интересует - он умеет посты выдирать (корованы грабить) :) или только с РСС работает?

ЗЫ что-то гугля совсем плохой стал... или это я разучился им пользоваться?

Фидмастер тебе посмотреть лучше для выдирания постов.
В этом плагине источники не исправить без шаманских танцев с бубном =)
два топика об этом же плагине )
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

и версия 2.5.74
обычный архив:

скрипт + какой-то видео-ролик. просмотреть не смог, на работе нет видео-кодеков:
А при выдирании контентента с Фида текст ставится 1 в 1 или как то синонемизируется?
А при выдирании контентента с Фида текст ставится 1 в 1 или как то синонемизируется?

Где-то в описании встречается слово синонИмизация? =)

Добавлено через 1 минуту
два топика об этом же плагине )
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

О версии 2.3, т.е. о достаточно старой

В первом сообщении 2.5.74 и выложено и ссылка рабочая - смысл давать другие?
Кто пользовался - отзовитесь... Чето на автомате у меня не хочет дергать контент... Может делаю что то не так или в крон что то надо запихать ? Посоветуйте...
Кто пользовался - отзовитесь... Чето на автомате у меня не хочет дергать контент... Может делаю что то не так или в крон что то надо запихать ? Посоветуйте...
Такая же проблема... Задавал тот же вопрос и обращался с просьбой прикрутить крон, но модератор мои сообщения удалил :nezn:

короче присоеденяюсь... ребзя, как прикрутить крон к этому плагину?
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.