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Шаблон Avada - Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce


Хранитель порядка
Команда форума
20 Ноя 2016
  • Автор темы
  • Модер.
  • #1

Avada является №1 в рейтинге самых продающихся тем WordPress на рынке, её используют более 800 000+ начинающих пользователей, профессионалов, агентств и предприятий.
Avada является самой универсальной, интуитивно понятной и простой в использовании многоцелевой темой WordPress на рынке. Многие другие темы WordPress пытались создать множество опций, чтобы конкурировать с Avada, тем не менее, никогда не приближались к гибкости, которую предоставляет тема Avada для вас, конечного пользователя и дизайнера.
Выбор Avada - это не только образ мышления, но и требование, если вы намерены получить преимущество над конкурентами при создании сайта. Самое приятное, что вы можете создавать что угодно, не касаясь ни одной строки кода.

Это "шапка" темы. Здесь будет располагаться общая информация о теме Avada, ссылки на смежные темы и наиболее важные посты с решениями теx или иных задач.
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

Последняя версия Avada: 7.8.1 (26.07.2022)

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

Пост отредактирован 11.08.2022
Последнее редактирование:
Доброго дня, Помогите найти плагины для этой темы Avada 7.11.9
Тема требует эти плагины
Avada Builder 3.11.9 и Avada Core 5.11.9
  • Автор темы
  • Модер.
  • #82
Avada 7.11.9 (05.06.2024)
Version 7.11.9 - June 05th, 2024

- SECURITY: Fixed Contributor+-level-only XSS vulnerability, allowing site Contributors to add event attributes to link attributes options
- FIXED: Conditional rendering logic not working correctly in Containers on some specific setups
- FIXED: Some Global Options and Page Options not correctly triggering page changed actions in Live Editor
- FIXED: Bulk removal of Avada Form enrties not working

Version 7.11.8 - June 04th, 2024

- NEW: Added a completely revamped role manager version to allow better control over different Avada areas for different WP user roles
- NEW: Submission view access for Avada Forms can now be set to give read-only access for different user roles
- NEW: Added an option to Avada Forms, for easy resetting of form submission and view count
- NEW: Added video start and end times to YouTube, Vimeo, and Video elements
- NEW: Added an alignment option to the Audio element
- NEW: Added options to Post Cards element to query WooCommerce products by SKU
- NEW: Added a Global Option to display HTML and JS right after the opening body tag
- NEW: Added option to hide subsequent events from an event series in the Events element
- NEW: Added HTML track tag options to the Video element
- NEW: Added option to Text element to make text unselectable
- NEW: Added open graph image tag option to the SEO tab in Page Options
- NEW: Added a character counter to the SEO "Meta Description" Page Option to suggest optimal description length
- NEW: Added option to change the Avada FAQ categories slug analog to Avada Portfolio
- NEW: Added "Is Term" check and referrer options to the conditional rendering setup
- NEW: Added leading and trailing whitespace check to global and page options of type text and textarea to avoid input issues (e.g. Avada Forms notification emails)
- NEW: Added several new vendors to out reset all caches setup (like WP Rocket, Hummingbird, Autoptimize, LiteSpeed and WP Fatest Cache)
- PERFORMANCE: Vastly improved cache clearing performance on post save in Live Editor
- PERFORMANCE: Added a new image sizes select option, to control which image sizes Avada creates when an image is uploaded to the media library
- PERFORMANCE: Moved the WooCommerce quick view scripts to their own file that can now conditionally be enqueued
- PERFORMANCE: WooCommerce quick view HTML elements will now get added dynamically to the DOM only on first quick view click
- IMPROVEMENT: Added support for custom fields with serialized data when checking for equal value in Post Cards element
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed deprecated sidebars.css in favor of widgets.css
- IMPROVEMENT: Live Editor main element setting tabs now use text-overflow ellipses to adjust better to longer texts in other languages
- IMPROVEMENT: Input field of the Range element of Avada Forms now auto-adjusting to the maximum number of digits
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure the Off-Canvas animation trigger is limited to the main parent, to avoid issues once the accessibility focus trap is invoked
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure to cast saved extra Google fonts to array to prevent issues with incorrectly saved font data
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability
- UPDATED: Vimeo player script is now at version 2.23
- UPDATED: Font Awesome is now at version 5.14.4
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.5.2
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9.1
- COMPATIBILITY: Removed the Slider Revolution 7 rendering engine CSS from the combined third-party styles to ensure compatibility
- COMPATIBILITY: Added possibility to set the "Show WooCommerce Shop Loop" Page Option also on secondary languages when using PolyLang
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Gravity plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Optima Express plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed PrivateContent plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed MemberDash plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Woo Reviews element displaying review sub-heading incorrectly as title
- FIXED: Tag-based filters being incorrect in the Portfolio element when using WPML and viewing page in a secondary language
- FIXED: Avada Forms Submit element loading styles interfering with button background hover animation
- FIXED: Content background image Page Option dependent sub-options having wrong dependency check
- FIXED: Page Options being reset when a post is saved by a user with editor role
- FIXED: Image Carousel looping through initial set of images when scroll items option is set to higher than 1
- FIXED: Dynamic data post ID being incorrect when used on archive pages
- FIXED: Dynamic data term titles being incorrect in Post Cards when used on Search page
- FIXED: Exit animation speed option not working in Off-Canvas when using sliding bar type
- FIXED: Container gradient backgrounds not always being correctly applied when using a parallax background image and Avada lazy loading
- FIXED: First and last image in Avada Woo product gallery being doubled in lightbox when using WooCommerce product zoom
- FIXED: Incorrect legacy page title bar font styling being applied to h3 elements used in page title bar Layout Section
- FIXED: WooCommerce quantity box styling being off when using Woo Cart Table element in an Off-Canvas
- FIXED: WooCommerce quick view not working when using Post Cards Cart element in Post Card
- FIXED: ACF repeater sub-field dynamic data not rendering before/after fields when populating Tabs element children
- FIXED: WooCommerce order attribution not being added when using Woo Checkout Billing element
- FIXED: woocommerce_get_catalog_ordering_args filter not being correctly removed from Woo Product Slider elements causing ordering issues in the following Post Cards element
- FIXED: Responsive WooCommerce list view not staying fixed to one column
- FIXED: Pricing Table element styling being incorrect when Critical CSS loading is used
- FIXED: Space missing between posts when using medium alternate layout in Archive element on post types other than posts
- FIXED: Section Separator element throwing PHP warning when set to a custom design but no SVG was uploaded
- FIXED: Some option dependencies in Title element being incorrect
- FIXED: Several PHP notices happening in a few edge cases
- FIXED: Missing toolbar icons in lightbox when using para skin
- FIXED: Images used in Container and Column background sliders not being imported from Avada Studio
- FIXED: Dynamic content UI being displayed on the parent element if dynamic content is added to a nested element (e.g. )
- FIXED: Fatal error happening when saving an Avada Form in backend editor when a field name is named post_type and Mailchimp or HubSpot connections are active
- FIXED: Gravity Forms element not loading saved or changed form in Live Editor for latest Gravity Forms version
- FIXED: Global Options Search Form tab is causing a JS error in Live Editor
- FIXED: Container padding not always correctly applied when editing an Off-Canvas editing in Live Editor
- FIXED: Column z-index option not being correctly applied in Live Editor
- FIXED: Bottom shadow missing from Image element in Live Editor when zoom in or zoom out hover options are chosen
- FIXED: Hover styles of Image element not animating in Live Editor when combined with filter options
- FIXED: Child element settings dialog missing the back button in Live Editor
Доброго дня, Помогите найти плагины для этой темы Avada 7.11.9
Тема требует эти плагины
Avada Builder 3.11.9 и Avada Core 5.11.9
Плагины отдельно:

Avada Core 5.11.9
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
Avada Builder 3.11.9
Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!

Источник: С просторов интернета, (источник надёжный). Используйте на свой страх и риск.
Avada 7.11.9 (05.06.2024)
Version 7.11.9 - June 05th, 2024

- SECURITY: Fixed Contributor+-level-only XSS vulnerability, allowing site Contributors to add event attributes to link attributes options
- FIXED: Conditional rendering logic not working correctly in Containers on some specific setups
- FIXED: Some Global Options and Page Options not correctly triggering page changed actions in Live Editor
- FIXED: Bulk removal of Avada Form enrties not working

Version 7.11.8 - June 04th, 2024

- NEW: Added a completely revamped role manager version to allow better control over different Avada areas for different WP user roles
- NEW: Submission view access for Avada Forms can now be set to give read-only access for different user roles
- NEW: Added an option to Avada Forms, for easy resetting of form submission and view count
- NEW: Added video start and end times to YouTube, Vimeo, and Video elements
- NEW: Added an alignment option to the Audio element
- NEW: Added options to Post Cards element to query WooCommerce products by SKU
- NEW: Added a Global Option to display HTML and JS right after the opening body tag
- NEW: Added option to hide subsequent events from an event series in the Events element
- NEW: Added HTML track tag options to the Video element
- NEW: Added option to Text element to make text unselectable
- NEW: Added open graph image tag option to the SEO tab in Page Options
- NEW: Added a character counter to the SEO "Meta Description" Page Option to suggest optimal description length
- NEW: Added option to change the Avada FAQ categories slug analog to Avada Portfolio
- NEW: Added "Is Term" check and referrer options to the conditional rendering setup
- NEW: Added leading and trailing whitespace check to global and page options of type text and textarea to avoid input issues (e.g. Avada Forms notification emails)
- NEW: Added several new vendors to out reset all caches setup (like WP Rocket, Hummingbird, Autoptimize, LiteSpeed and WP Fatest Cache)
- PERFORMANCE: Vastly improved cache clearing performance on post save in Live Editor
- PERFORMANCE: Added a new image sizes select option, to control which image sizes Avada creates when an image is uploaded to the media library
- PERFORMANCE: Moved the WooCommerce quick view scripts to their own file that can now conditionally be enqueued
- PERFORMANCE: WooCommerce quick view HTML elements will now get added dynamically to the DOM only on first quick view click
- IMPROVEMENT: Added support for custom fields with serialized data when checking for equal value in Post Cards element
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed deprecated sidebars.css in favor of widgets.css
- IMPROVEMENT: Live Editor main element setting tabs now use text-overflow ellipses to adjust better to longer texts in other languages
- IMPROVEMENT: Input field of the Range element of Avada Forms now auto-adjusting to the maximum number of digits
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure the Off-Canvas animation trigger is limited to the main parent, to avoid issues once the accessibility focus trap is invoked
- IMPROVEMENT: Made sure to cast saved extra Google fonts to array to prevent issues with incorrectly saved font data
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated several option descriptions, dependencies, and dialogs for better usability
- UPDATED: Vimeo player script is now at version 2.23
- UPDATED: Font Awesome is now at version 5.14.4
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WordPress 6.5.2
- UPDATED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 8.9.1
- COMPATIBILITY: Removed the Slider Revolution 7 rendering engine CSS from the combined third-party styles to ensure compatibility
- COMPATIBILITY: Added possibility to set the "Show WooCommerce Shop Loop" Page Option also on secondary languages when using PolyLang
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Gravity plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed Optima Express plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed PrivateContent plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- COMPATIBILITY: Fixed MemberDash plugin doubling up its contents in layout sections when using the Layout Builder
- FIXED: Woo Reviews element displaying review sub-heading incorrectly as title
- FIXED: Tag-based filters being incorrect in the Portfolio element when using WPML and viewing page in a secondary language
- FIXED: Avada Forms Submit element loading styles interfering with button background hover animation
- FIXED: Content background image Page Option dependent sub-options having wrong dependency check
- FIXED: Page Options being reset when a post is saved by a user with editor role
- FIXED: Image Carousel looping through initial set of images when scroll items option is set to higher than 1
- FIXED: Dynamic data post ID being incorrect when used on archive pages
- FIXED: Dynamic data term titles being incorrect in Post Cards when used on Search page
- FIXED: Exit animation speed option not working in Off-Canvas when using sliding bar type
- FIXED: Container gradient backgrounds not always being correctly applied when using a parallax background image and Avada lazy loading
- FIXED: First and last image in Avada Woo product gallery being doubled in lightbox when using WooCommerce product zoom
- FIXED: Incorrect legacy page title bar font styling being applied to h3 elements used in page title bar Layout Section
- FIXED: WooCommerce quantity box styling being off when using Woo Cart Table element in an Off-Canvas
- FIXED: WooCommerce quick view not working when using Post Cards Cart element in Post Card
- FIXED: ACF repeater sub-field dynamic data not rendering before/after fields when populating Tabs element children
- FIXED: WooCommerce order attribution not being added when using Woo Checkout Billing element
- FIXED: woocommerce_get_catalog_ordering_args filter not being correctly removed from Woo Product Slider elements causing ordering issues in the following Post Cards element
- FIXED: Responsive WooCommerce list view not staying fixed to one column
- FIXED: Pricing Table element styling being incorrect when Critical CSS loading is used
- FIXED: Space missing between posts when using medium alternate layout in Archive element on post types other than posts
- FIXED: Section Separator element throwing PHP warning when set to a custom design but no SVG was uploaded
- FIXED: Some option dependencies in Title element being incorrect
- FIXED: Several PHP notices happening in a few edge cases
- FIXED: Missing toolbar icons in lightbox when using para skin
- FIXED: Images used in Container and Column background sliders not being imported from Avada Studio
- FIXED: Dynamic content UI being displayed on the parent element if dynamic content is added to a nested element (e.g. )
- FIXED: Fatal error happening when saving an Avada Form in backend editor when a field name is named post_type and Mailchimp or HubSpot connections are active
- FIXED: Gravity Forms element not loading saved or changed form in Live Editor for latest Gravity Forms version
- FIXED: Global Options Search Form tab is causing a JS error in Live Editor
- FIXED: Container padding not always correctly applied when editing an Off-Canvas editing in Live Editor
- FIXED: Column z-index option not being correctly applied in Live Editor
- FIXED: Bottom shadow missing from Image element in Live Editor when zoom in or zoom out hover options are chosen
- FIXED: Hover styles of Image element not animating in Live Editor when combined with filter options
- FIXED: Child element settings dialog missing the back button in Live Editor
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***

Плагины отдельно:

Avada Core 5.11.9
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***
Avada Builder 3.11.9
*** Скрытый текст не может быть процитирован. ***

Источник: С просторов интернета, (источник надёжный). Используйте на свой страх и риск.

Случайно нету перевода на русский? po файл пустой с переводом или самому лучше делать?
  • Автор темы
  • Модер.
  • #84
Тема АВАДА отправка через ее форму на почту дает кракозябру в почтовиках при получении. Кто столкнулся и исправил?
У кого есть последняя версия Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

заранее благодарю

Avada (7.11.13 Full Package) [Nulled] - Best Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce

Источник: с просторов интернета, устанавливаете на свой страх и риск
Как быстро обновляют можно версию 7.11.14


Avada (7.11.14 Full Package) [Nulled] - Best Website Builder For WordPress & WooCommerce

Источник: с просторов интернета, устанавливаете на свой страх и риск
Тема АВАДА отправка через ее форму на почту дает кракозябру в почтовиках при получении. Кто столкнулся и исправил?
Я столкнулась, но не исправила пока (письма на испанском улетают). Если кто-то нашел решение, поделитесь пожалуйста