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Плагин Astra Pro (Add-on for the Astra WordPress Theme)


Хранитель порядка
Команда форума
20 Ноя 2016
  • Автор темы
  • Модер.
  • #1
Этот плагин является Pro надстройкой для WordPress темы Astra.
В данной теме выкладывается Pro-версия плагина и ведётся основное обсуждение применения плагина и аддонов к нему.
Аддоны же выносятся в отдельные топики для облегчения поиска и разгрузки основной темы.

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
Astra - быстрая, полностью настраиваемая красивая WordPress тема, предназначенная для блога, персонального портфолио, бизнес-сайта и витрины WooCommerce. Тема очень лёгкая, обеспечивает беспрецедентную скорость.
Создана с учетом SEO. В Astra уже интегрирован код Schema.org. и встроена поддержка AMP, так-что поисковые системы полюбят ваш сайт.
Она содержит специальные функции и шаблоны и поэтому отлично работает со всеми конструкторами страниц, такими как Beaver Builder, Brizy, Divi, Elementor, Gutenberg, SiteOrigin, Visual Composer и т. д.
Вот ещё некоторые функции: совместима с WooCommerce, адаптивная, поддержка текста справа налево, готова к переводу, расширяется премиум дополнениями, регулярно обновляется.
Спроектирована, разработана и поддерживается командой Brainstorm Force.
Связанные темы для Astra Pro.
Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
Elementor Pro
Ultimate Addons for Elementor
Premium Starter Templates (Astra Premium Sites)
Q: Версия плагина не соответствует версии темы.
A: Нумерация версий Pro-плагина может не совпадает (отстает) с номером версии темы.

Q: Тема не устанавливается. Выходит следующее сообщение.
Архив не удалось установить. В теме отсутствует таблица стилей style.css.
Установка темы не удалась."""""""

A: Сначала необходимо установить тему Astra из бесплатного репозитория Wordpress в "админке" сайта.
Здесь выкладывается плагин, расширяющий возможности бесплатной темы. И устанавливать его следует, как плагин.

Q: Плагин не обновляется. Это нормально ?
A: Да. Плагин вылечен для сохранения работоспособности без ввода лицензии.
Свежую версию плагина вы можете загрузить из данной темы и установить, предварительно удалив предыдущую версию.

Q: Я верно понимаю что без лицензии импортировать демо данные(шаблоны) не выйдет ?

A: Вы можете импортировать шаблоны, установив плагин Premium Starter Templates (Astra Premium Sites).
Плагин вылечен, но Premium шаблоны могут импортироваться не все.
  • Автор темы
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  • #11
Astra Pro 1.8.1
- Fix: Breadcrumb shortcode not working.
- Fix: When hash link clicked inside merged menu, the menu was not closing.

- New: Shortcode '[astra_breadcrumb]' - Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- Fix: HTML 5 Validation error in the above & below header menu toggle button classes.
- Fix: WooCommerce checkout page quick view compatibility issue with Cart Flows plugin.

- Fix: Custom Layouts - Hook name not being displayed in the admin area when editing the custom layout.

- New: Native AMP support from Astra Theme and Astra Pro. Read more about here - Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся
- Improvements: Accessibility - Keyboard navigation not working for menu in the sticky header.
- Improvements: Above Header & Below header text/html preview.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Invalid Product notice issue.
- Fix: Lightbox issue with custom layout(Image size issue).
- Fix: Gutenberg - container color does not work on pages freshly created.
- Fix: Infinite scroll issue with product catalog option of WooCommerce.
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  • #13
Astra Pro 3.6.5 (Null)
Безопасно. Нулл на базе оригинального плагина.

- Fix: Custom Layout's meta fields not saving when editor type is Code Editor.

- New: Added feature to enable or disable specific Custom Layout. ( Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся )
- Improvement: Added easy filtering tabs for custom layouts lists.
- Improvement: Moved Custom Layout existing settings into a separate Gutenberg sidebar panel.
- Improvement: Add Custom Layouts on pages/posts using shortcode feature.
- Fix: Image field error in the CreativeWork Type.
- Fix: Removed unwanted title and desc tag present for search icon.

Имя: astra-addon-plugin#3-6-5-null.zip
Размер: 2264131 байтов (2211 KiB)
SHA256: BFC691790B959EF697C4E3CB91134A0DE1EA5DAB3C82DCA6ABAFB8D4B35946D5
SHA1: 2A35C7484519942D83D1638C1424F7D4B6AE4E6C
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  • #14
Astra Pro 3.6.6 (Null)
Безопасно. Нулл на базе оригинального плагина.

- Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency from Blog Pro Infinite Scroll addon.
- Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency from WooCommerce Infinite Scroll addon.
- Improvement: Added activate UAG notice in Custom Layout editor sidebar.
- Improvement: Compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Fix: Gravity form checkbox not accessible when WooCommerce Quick View option is active.
- Fix: Accessibility - href attribute is missing in the Anchor element for Scroll to top.
- Fix: W3 validation - Removed unwanted CSS value set for content property for Quick View summary section.
- Fix: Navigation menu was not scrollable for the sticky header.
- Fix: Dropdown Mobile Menu - unable to open submenu on Sticky Header with Max Width - Site Layout.
- Fix: Elementor Pro popup not triggered when WooCommerce Single Product gallery layout is set to vertical.
- Fix: Scroll to top - Icon not appearing properly on responsive devices.
- Fix: Inside post/page content breaking the page when Yoast SEO and Beaver Builder plugins are active.
- Fix: Custom Layout - Inside Post Content - appearing in the sidebar.
- Fix: Builder - Language Switcher - WPML - all langauges appearing as active.

Имя: astra-addon-plugin#3-6-6-null.zip
Размер: 2199170 байтов (2147 KiB)
CRC32: 46B08A7E
SHA256: E40326C578C6531B732E427CA5E07956B5985627661B5E1409C00D988FC0FD1D
SHA1: 99C540A0B2415D3769512EC8BEB226FD60FE2374
  • Автор темы
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  • #15
Astra Pro 3.6.7 (Null)
Безопасно. Нулл на базе оригинального плагина.

- Fix: Blog - Infinite scroll is not working with Masonry Layout.

- Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency from Blog Pro Infinite Scroll addon.
- Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency from WooCommerce Infinite Scroll addon.
- Improvement: Added activate UAG notice in Custom Layout editor sidebar.
- Improvement: Compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Fix: Gravity form checkbox not accessible when WooCommerce Quick View option is active.
- Fix: Accessibility - href attribute is missing in the Anchor element for Scroll to top.
- Fix: W3 validation - Removed unwanted CSS value set for content property for Quick View summary section.
- Fix: Navigation menu was not scrollable for the sticky header.
- Fix: Dropdown Mobile Menu - unable to open submenu on Sticky Header with Max Width - Site Layout.
- Fix: Elementor Pro popup not triggered when WooCommerce Single Product gallery layout is set to vertical.
- Fix: Scroll to top - Icon not appearing properly on responsive devices.
- Fix: Inside post/page content breaking the page when Yoast SEO and Beaver Builder plugins are active.
- Fix: Custom Layout - Inside Post Content - appearing in the sidebar.
- Fix: Builder - Language Switcher - WPML - all langauges appearing as active.

Имя: astra-addon-plugin#3-6-7-null.zip
Размер: 2205274 байтов (2153 KiB)
CRC32: 910E0D7E
SHA256: 0940BE36B6AF1D1B75C829DC7767D2C113DF73B6555BD288F72D8EA96E24323B
SHA1: 0C4CAF6DC101031E2ADCA08D0F8026EC4C021F42
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  • #16
Astra Pro 3.6.8 (Null)
Безопасно. Нулл на базе оригинального плагина.

- Improvement: Compatibility for enhancing block editor experience. ( Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся )
- Fix: Builder - Search - Search markup is loaded even when the search element is not added.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Grouped product - Add to Cart not appearing properly on Quick view.
- Fix: Some of the Search shortcodes are not working on the posts or pages.
- Fix: W3 validation - aria-label attribute is missing for the close icon for the Off-canvas sidebar trigger on the Shop page.
- Fix: Sticky header meta option is not working on the frontend.
- Fix: Custom Layout - 'Header is built using Custom Layout' notice showing in customizer even the layout's toggle is disabled.

Имя: a2s0t2r2a3-7a8d9d6o3n4-5p6l1u6g2i6n0#3-6-8.7z
Размер: 1927090 байтов (1881 KiB)
SHA256: A4B7DB632CB00F1B5A5A54440911B0149C827D8396CFA3780D9E650FE0F94A00
SHA1: E891177E457FEB4B263077D849278F001098802C

Файлы под хайдами идентичные.

Скрытое содержимое доступно для зарегистрированных пользователей!
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  • #17
Astra Pro 3.6.11 (Null)
Безопасно. Нулл на базе оригинального плагина.

- Fix: Custom layout styling not loading on front-end.

- Improvement: Moved Single Post and Page spacing option to theme.
- Fix: Translated Taxonomies not listed under the target specific rule for Custom Layout with Polylang plugin.
- Fix: Custom Layouts - Inside post/page content displays multiple time with entry_after hooks used.
- Fix: Small space appearing between the Sticky Above and Primary header in the Beaver Builder editor.
- Fix: Primary submenus not expandable on mobile when toggle button element is not added.
- Fix: "Header Button" heading added to separate out Sticky Header options in old header.
- Fix: Accessibility - LifterLMS profile link is missing aria-label and role attribute.
- Fix: Fixed display Products from Same Category with Navigation. ( Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся )

- Fix: Improvements as per WordPress coding standards.
- Fix: Header - Menus - Box Shadow not applying for submenus from customizer options
- Fix: Single Product Quantity not working for decimal numbers.
- Fix: Elementor page with Motion effect jerks on scroll when header is set to sticky and animation is None.
- Fix: Submenu items expanded initially in offcanvas, when Toggle Button being used for desktop header.
- Fix: Astra theme version number missing in Rollback section.

Имя: astra-addon-plugin#3-6-11-null.zip
Размер: 2211265 байтов (2159 KiB)
CRC32: 3DA24F4C
SHA256: 2183D48A9B1E87993C304663C267B6CB940785FA7719E7695D4A979B2574D437
SHA1: 88B937B10339096C3E620D04F7E337D4E04D3652
Архив без пароля.
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  • #18
Astra Pro 3.9.0 (Null)
Безопасно. Нулл на базе оригинального плагина.

- New: Redesigned the entire customizer UI for better user experience.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Quantity Plus Minus Button Options With Multiple Designs.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Modern Input skin type.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Ajax based quantity selector.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Introduced Color and background option for Sale badge.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Added new modern view option for shop style.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Introduced unique filter panel design.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Introduced sticky shop filter sidebar option.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Added accordion compatibility for WooCommerce filter widgets.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Added Flyout and Collapsible option for WooCommerce filters panel.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added sticky add to cart on single product.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Product tabs heading - Product tabs heading - Added normal, hover, and active text color support.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added Color and Typography options for Category text.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added Enable/Disable Quantity Plus-Minus sign option.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added Option to Add Extra Product Description.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced tab style presets for product details. ( Accordion / Distributed ).
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced previous-next product preview option on navigation hover.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Payment options list in single product structure.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced sticky product summary option.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Toggle to Convert Variation select dropdown to buttons UI on Single Product page.
- New: WooCommerce - Added Multistep Navigation for Cart, Checkout and Order Received pages.
- New: WooCommerce - Cart - Modern Cart Layout.
- New: WooCommerce - Cart - Sticky Cart total on scroll on WooCommerce cart page.
- New: WooCommerce - Checkout - Modern Layout.
- Improvement: Single Product - Option to Show/Hide Category on WooCommerce single product page.
- Improvement: Single Product - Product gallery Layout options ( First Image Large / Vertical Slider / Horizontal Slider ).
- Improvement: Single Product - Product Navigation color options ( Normal & Hover ).
- Fix: Related Products & Upsell columns not working on responsive devices.

Имя: astra-addon-plugin#3-9-0-null.zip
Размер: 2427477 байтов (2370 KiB)
CRC32: F2E6482F
SHA256: 8328523E1FBC96D254D9A0B2AF5B2B981F9253483E6B065FD5118866CF01C8CA
SHA1: 7F737FC65B4010F204CAF58BBC2D125B7CBE35E0
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  • #19
Astra Pro 3.9.1 (Null)
Безопасно. Нулл на базе оригинального плагина.

- Fix: Mobile menu flyout mode not working properly when old Header layout is active.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Button variation is displaying the old deleted product attributes on single product.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Shop active filter toggle not working properly due to incorrect customizer option handle.
- Fix: Theme version rollback does not work on the initial page load of Astra Options.

Имя: astra-addon-plugin#3-9-1-null.zip
Размер: 2427909 байтов (2371 KiB)
CRC32: 39208509
SHA256: BCEF98C62FA50F7189133D02190BFA041D56D9EC1F8E626F2D90208E2ACDF8AE
SHA1: 50382847DACD98244E2D452229E449D47002F630
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  • #20
Astra Pro 3.9.3 (Null)
Безопасно. Нулл на базе оригинального плагина.

- New: Header Builder - Menu - Filter to add mega menu compatibility with registered nav menus. ( Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся )
- New: Custom Layout - Custom action hook support added to trigger layout content or snippet on a specific location.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Recently viewed product feature.
- New: WooCommerce - Checkout - Back to cart button feature.
- Improvement: Custom Layout - Redesigned admin posts list & editor meta settings with better UI/UX.
- Improvement: WooCommerce - Removed jQuery dependency from Quick View addon.
- Improvement: Introduced action 'astra_checkout_login_field_before' to trigger custom snippet before WooCommerce checkout's login fields.
- Improvement: Introduced action 'astra_checkout_login_field_after' to trigger custom snippet after WooCommerce checkout's login fields.
- Improvement: Added notice to install Astra theme if plugin directly starts. (Props - Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся)
- Improvement: WooCommerce - Single Product - Selected active variant style design updated via filter 'astra_addon_update_wc_variant_style'.
- Improvement: Page Header - Repeated target rule error notice type changed to warning notice type with disabling the trigger.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Payment list styling is broken inside the quick view popup.
- Fix: WooCommerce - My Account - Placeholder added if product image is not available on the order and download section.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Composite product plugin compatibility on a single product.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Updated Related and Upsell products sub-option dependency.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Border removed on single product gallery sliders.
- Fix: Custom layout content before not working with the WPML targeted pages.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Quick view console error on all pages.
- Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Megamenu container get hides when hovering in between Top Offset spacing.
- Fix: W3 validation - WooCommerce - Quick view and Checkout's Apply Coupon text having accessibility issues.
- Fix: Fatal error 'Uncaught TypeError in Count function' for invalid argument issue on the frontend for cache files, in some rare cases.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Password required when guest checkout is active.
- Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Active colour from sticky header options not applying to menu items.
- Fix: Custom Layout - Inside post/page content displays multiple times with entry content hooks used.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Remove product icon misalignment issue on the cart page with the safari browser.
- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Changed direction for submenu opening does not work for account menu. (Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся)
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - The product gallery looks improper when a single product layout builds using a theme builder layout and the first image large gallery option selected from the customizer setting.
- Fix: Footer Builder - Divider Element - Hide on Desktop option is not working.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Off-Canvas Sidebar Filters - Close link trigger is not crawlable due to javascript:void(0) href.
- Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Sub-menu background colour overrides the border-radius of the submenu in the customizer.

Имя: astra-addon-plugin#3-9-3-null.zip
Размер: 2420106 байтов (2363 KiB)
SHA256: b5c559180532e2f0e9428f0d1cf4f70a8d4e42047d5ac7fd20d306e1fc0ff6c1
SHA1: 72191c6549789b480eae22dfbbc1304a868452dd