if( ! defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) {
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
$sql_result = $db->query( $sql_news );
$allow_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_cats'] );
$perm = 1;
$i = 0;
$news_found = false;
while ( $row = $db->get_row( $sql_result ) ) {
if( $i ) break;
$xfields = xfieldsload();
$options = news_permission( $row['access'] );
if( $row['votes'] and $view_template != "print" ) include_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/poll.php';
if( ! $row['category'] ) {
$my_cat = "---";
$my_cat_link = "---";
} else {
$my_cat = array ();
$my_cat_link = array ();
$cat_list = explode( ',', $row['category'] );
if( count( $cat_list ) == 1 ) {
if( $allow_list[0] != "all" and ! in_array( $cat_list[0], $allow_list ) ) $perm = 0;
$my_cat[] = $cat_info[$cat_list[0]]['name'];
$my_cat_link = get_categories( $cat_list[0] );
} else {
foreach ( $cat_list as $element ) {
if( $allow_list[0] != "all" and ! in_array( $element, $allow_list ) ) $perm = 0;
if( $element ) {
$my_cat[] = $cat_info[$element]['name'];
if( $config['ajax'] ) $go_page = "onclick=\"DlePage('do=cat&category={$cat_info[$element]['alt_name']}'); return false;\" ";
else $go_page = "";
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) $my_cat_link[] = "<a {$go_page}href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $element ) . "/\">{$cat_info[$element]['name']}</a>";
else $my_cat_link[] = "<a {$go_page}href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=cat&category={$cat_info[$element]['alt_name']}\">{$cat_info[$element]['name']}</a>";
$my_cat_link = implode( ', ', $my_cat_link );
$my_cat = implode( ', ', $my_cat );
$row['category'] = intval( $row['category'] );
$category_id = $row['category'];
if( isset( $view_template ) and $view_template == "print" ) $tpl->load_template( 'print.tpl' );
elseif( $category_id and $cat_info[$category_id]['full_tpl'] != '' ) $tpl->load_template( $cat_info[$category_id]['full_tpl'] . '.tpl' );
else $tpl->load_template( 'fullstory.tpl' );
if( $options[$member_id['user_group']] and $options[$member_id['user_group']] != 3 ) $perm = 1;
if( $options[$member_id['user_group']] == 3 ) $perm = 0;
if( $options[$member_id['user_group']] == 1 ) $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_addc'] = 0;
if( $options[$member_id['user_group']] == 2 ) $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_addc'] = 1;
if( ! $row['approve'] and $member_id['name'] != $row['autor'] and $member_id['user_group'] != '1' ) $perm = 0;
if( ! $row['approve'] ) $allow_comments = false;
if( ! $perm ) break;
if( $config['allow_read_count'] == "yes" ) {
if( $config['cache_count'] ) $db->query( "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "_views (news_id) VALUES ('{$row['id']}')" );
else $db->query( "UPDATE " . PREFIX . "_post set news_read=news_read+1 where id='{$row['id']}'" );
$news_found = TRUE;
$row['date'] = strtotime( $row['date'] );
if( (strlen( $row['full_story'] ) < 13) and (strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "{short-story}" ) === false) ) {
$row['full_story'] = $row['short_story'];
if( ! $news_page ) {
$news_page = 1;
$news_seiten = explode( "{PAGEBREAK}", $row['full_story'] );
$anzahl_seiten = count( $news_seiten );
if( $news_page <= 0 or $news_page > $anzahl_seiten ) {
$news_page = 1;
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) {
if( $row['flag'] and $config['seo_type'] ) {
if( $category_id and $config['seo_type'] == 2 ) {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $category_id ) . "/" . $row['id'] . "-" . $row['alt_name'] . ".html";
$print_link = $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $category_id ) . "/print:page,1," . $row['id'] . "-" . $row['alt_name'] . ".html";
$short_link = $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $category_id ) . "/";
$row['alt_name'] = $row['id'] . "-" . $row['alt_name'];
$link_page = $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $category_id ) . "/" . 'page,' . $news_page . ',';
$news_name = $row['alt_name'];
} else {
$full_link = $config%ews_prev'] . "</a> | ";
} else {
$prevpage = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?newsid=" . $row['id'] . "&news_page=" . $pages . "\">" . $lang['news_prev'] . "</a> | ";
$tpl->set( '{pages}', $prevpage . $lang['news_site'] . " " . $news_page . $lang['news_iz'] . $anzahl_seiten . $nextpage );
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) {
$replacepage = "<a href=\"" . $short_link . "page," . "\\1" . "," . $row['alt_name'] . ".html\">\\2</a>";
} else {
$replacepage = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?newsid=" . $row['id'] . "&news_page=\\1\">\\2</a>";
$row['full_story'] = preg_replace( "'\[PAGE=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/PAGE\]'si", $replacepage, $row['full_story'] );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{pages}', '' ] ) . 'page,' . $news_page . ',';
$news_name = $row['alt_name'];
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php?newsid=" . $row['id'];
$print_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "engine/print.php?newsid=" . $row['id'];
$short_link = "";
$i ++;
// обработка страниц
if( $view_template == "print" ) {
$row['full_story'] = str_replace( "{PAGEBREAK}", "", $row['full_story'] );
$row['full_story'] = str_replace( "{pages}", "", $row['full_story'] );
$row['full_story'] = preg_replace( "'\[PAGE=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/PAGE\]'si", "\\2", $row['full_story'] );
} else {
$row['full_story'] = $news_seiten[$news_page - 1];
$row['full_story'] = preg_replace( '#(\A[\s]*<br[^>]*>[\s]*|<br[^>]*>[\s]*\Z)#is', '', $row['full_story'] ); // remove <br/> at end of string
$news_seiten = "";
unset( $news_seiten );
if( $anzahl_seiten > 1 ) {
if( $news_page < $anzahl_seiten ) {
$pages = $news_page + 1;
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) {
$nextpage = " | <a href=\"" . $short_link . "page," . $pages . "," . $row['alt_name'] . ".html\">" . $lang['news_next'] . "</a>";
} else {
$nextpage = " | <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?newsid=" . $row['id'] . "&news_page=" . $pages . "\">" . $lang['news_next'] . "</a>";
if( $news_page > 1 ) {
$pages = $news_page - 1;
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) {
$prevpage = "<a href=\"" . $short_link . "page," . $pages . "," . $row['alt_name'] . ".html\">" . $lang['news_prev'] . "</a> | ";
} else {
$prevpage = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?newsid=" . $row['id'] . "&news_page=" . $pages . "\">" . $lang['news_prev'] . "</a> | ";
$tpl->set( '{pages}', $prevpage . $lang['news_site'] . " " . $news_page . $lang['news_iz'] . $anzahl_seiten . $nextpage );
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) {
$replacepage = "<a href=\"" . $short_link . "page," . "\\1" . "," . $row['alt_name'] . ".html\">\\2</a>";
} else {
$replacepage = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?newsid=" . $row['id'] . "&news_page=\\1\">\\2</a>";
$row['full_story'] = preg_replace( "'\[PAGE=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/PAGE\]'si", $replacepage, $row['full_story'] );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{pages}', '' );
$row['full_story'] = preg_replace( "'\[PAGE=(.*?)\](.*?)\[/PAGE\]'si", "", $row['full_story'] );
$metatags['title'] = stripslashes( $row['title'] );
$comments_num = $row['comm_num'];
$news_find = array ('{comments-num}' => $comments_num, '{views}' => $row['news_read'], '{category}' => $my_cat, '{link-category}' => $my_cat_link, '{news-id}' => $row['id'] );
if( date( Ymd, $row['date'] ) == date( Ymd, $_TIME ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{date}', $lang['time_heute'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['date'] ) );
} elseif( date( Ymd, $row['date'] ) == date( Ymd, ($_TIME - 86400) ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{date}', $lang['time_gestern'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['date'] ) );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{date}', langdate( $config['timestamp_active'], $row['date'] ) );
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace ( "#\{date=(.+?)\}#ie", "langdate('\\1', '{$row['date']}')", $tpl->copy_template );
if ( $row['fixed'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[fixed]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/fixed]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-fixed\\](.*?)\\[/not-fixed\\]'si", "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '[not-fixed]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/not-fixed]', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[fixed\\](.*?)\\[/fixed\\]'si", "" );
if( $row['editdate'] ) $_DOCUMENT_DATE = $row['editdate'];
else $_DOCUMENT_DATE = $row['date'];
if( $row['view_edit'] and $row['editdate'] ) {
if( date( Ymd, $row['editdate'] ) == date( Ymd, $_TIME ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{edit-date}', $lang['time_heute'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['editdate'] ) );
} elseif( date( Ymd, $row['editdate'] ) == date( Ymd, ($_TIME - 86400) ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{edit-date}', $lang['time_gestern'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['editdate'] ) );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{edit-date}', langdate( $config['timestamp_active'], $row['editdate'] ) );
$tpl->set( '{editor}', $row['editor'] );
$tpl->set( '{edit-reason}', $row['reason'] );
if( $row['reason'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[edit-reason]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/edit-reason]', "" );
} else
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[edit-reason\\](.*?)\\[/edit-reason\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set( '[edit-date]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/edit-date]', "" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{edit-date}', "" );
$tpl->set( '{editor}', "" );
$tpl->set( '{edit-reason}', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[edit-date\\](.*?)\\[/edit-date\\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[edit-reason\\](.*?)\\[/edit-reason\\]'si", "" );
if( $config['allow_tags'] and $row['tags'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[tags]', "" );
$tpl->set( '[/tags]', "" );
$tags = array ();
$row['tags'] = explode( ",", $row['tags'] );
foreach ( $row['tags'] as $value ) {
$value = trim( $value );
$go_page = ($config['ajax']) ? "onclick=\"DlePage('do=tags&tag=" . urlencode( $value ) . "'); return false;\" " : "";
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) $tags[] = "<a {$go_page} href3D\"%2$PHP_SELF?year=".date( 'Y', $row['date'])."&month=".date( 'm', $row['date'])."&day=".date( 'd', $row['date'])."\" >" );
$go_page = "onclick=\"return dropdownmenu(this, event, UserNewsMenu('" . htmlspecialchars( $go_page ) . "', '" . htmlspecialchars( $news_page ) . "','" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "', '" . $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['admin_editusers'] . "'), '170px')\" onmouseout=\"delayhidemenu()\"";
$tpl->set( '[/day-news]', "</a>" );
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) $tpl->set( '{author}', "<a {$go_page} href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "/\">" . $row['autor'] . "</a>" );
else $tpl->set( '{author}', "<a {$go_page} href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&user=" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "печати
if ($config['allow_search_print']) {
$tpl->set( '[print-link]', "<a href=\"" . $print_link . "\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/print-link]', "</a>"9 $tpl->set( '[/full-link]', "</a>" );
$tpl->set( '{full-link}', $full_link );
if( $row['allow_comm'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[com7] ) {
if( $related['category'] and $config['seo_type'] == 2 ) {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $related['category'] ) . "/" . $related['id'] . "-" . $related['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . $related['id'] . "-" . $related['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . date( 'Y/m/d/', $related['date'] ) . $related['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php?newsid=" . $related['id'];
%0nt, MenuNewsBuild('" . $rowl'] == "yes" ) {
$go_page .= "href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "/\"";
$news_page .= "href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "/news/\"";
$tpl->set( '[day-news]', "<a href=\"".$config['http_home_url'] . date( 'Y/m/d/', $row['date'])."\" >" );
} else {
$go_page .= "href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&user=" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "\"";
$news_page .= "href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=allnews&user=" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "\"";
$tpl->set( '[day-news]', "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?year=".date( 'Y', $row['date'])."&month=".date( 'm', $row['date'])."&day=".date( 'd', $row['date'])."\" >" );
$go_page = "onclick=\"return dropdownmenu(this, event, UserNewsMenu('" . htmlspecialchars( $go_page ) . "', '" . htmlspecialchars( $news_page ) . "','" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "', '" . $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['admin_editusers'] . "'), '170px')\" onmouseout=\"delayhidemenu()\"";
$tpl->set( '[/day-news]', "</a>" );
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) $tpl->set( '{author}', "<a {$go_page} href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "/\">" . $row['autor'] . "</a>" );
else $tpl->set( '{author}', "<a {$go_page} href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&user=" . urlencode( $row['autor'] ) . "\">" . $row['autor'] . "</a>" );
if( strpos( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "pages.php" ) !== false ) {
$_SESSION['referrer'] = $full_link;
} else
$_SESSION['referrer'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$tpl->set( '[full-link]', "<a href=\"" . $full_link . "\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/full-link]', "</a>" );
$tpl->set( '{full-link}', $full_link );
if( $row['allow_comm'] ) {
$tpl->set( '[com7] ) {
if( $related['category'] and $config['seo_type'] == 2 ) {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $related['category'] ) . "/" . $related['id'] . "-" . $related['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . $related['id'] . "-" . $related['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . date( 'Y/m/d/', $related['date'] ) . $related['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php?newsid=" . $related['id'];
%0nt, MenuNewsBuild('" . $row['id'] . "', 'full'), '170px')\" href=\"#\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/edit]', "</a>" );
if( $config['allow_quick_wysiwyg'] ) $allow_comments_ajax = true;
} else
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[edit\\](.*?)\\[/edit\\]'si", "" );
if( $config['related_news'] ) {
if( $config['allow_cache'] != "yes" ) {
$config['allow_cache'] = "yes";
$revert_cache = true;
} else
$revert_cache = false;
$buffer = dle_cache( "related", $row['id'] );
if( $buffer === FALSE ) {
if( strlen( $row['full_story'] ) < strlen( $row['short_story'] ) ) $body = $row['short_story'];
else $body = $row['full_story'];
$body = $db->safesql( strip_tags( stripslashes( $metatags['title'] . " " . $body ) ) );
$config['related_number'] = intval( $config['related_number'] );
if( $config['related_number'] < 1 ) $config['related_number'] = 5;
$db->query( "SELECT id, title, date, category, alt_name, short_story, flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_post WHERE MATCH (title, short_story, full_story, xfields) AGAINST ('$body') AND id != " . $row['id'] . " AND approve='1'" . $where_date . " LIMIT " . $config['related_number'] );
while ( $related = $db->get_row() ) {
$related['date'] = strtotime( $related['date'] );
$related['category'] = intval( $related['category'] );
if( strlen( $related['title'] ) > 75 ) $related['title'] = substr( $related['title'], 0, 75 ) . " ...";
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) {
if( $related['flag'] and $config['seo_type'] ) {
if( $related['category'] and $config['seo_type'] == 2 ) {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $related['category'] ) . "/" . $related['id'] . "-" . $related['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . $related['id'] . "-" . $related['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . date( 'Y/m/d/', $related['date'] ) . $related['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php?newsid=" . $related['id'];
preg_match('|<img(.*) src="([^"]*)"[^>]*>|is', $related['short_story'], $pts);
$thumba_parts = pathinfo($pts[2]);
$pictitle = stripslashes( $related['title'] );
$pic = $thumba_parts['dirname'].'/'.$thumba_parts['basename'];
$wide = str_replace('thumbs/', "", $pic);
if(file_exists($wide)) $preview = "<a href=\"$wide\" onclick=\"return hs.expand(this8 '{favorites}', "" );
if( $row['votes'] ) $tpl->set( '{poll}', $tpl->result['poll'] );
else $tpl->set( '{poll}', '' );
if( $config['allow_banner'] ) include_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/banners.php';
if( count( $banners ) and $config['allow_banner'] ) {
foreach ( $banners as $name => $value ) {
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace( "{banner_" . $name . "}", $value, $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->set_block( "'{banner_(.*?)}'si", "" );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[category=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "#\\[category=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/category\\]#ies", "check_category('\\1', '\\2', '{$row['category']}')", $tpl->copy_template );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[not2 cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #E1E1E1;">
<td width="100" height="100" align="center" valign="middle" style="border: 1px solid #E1E1E1;">'.$preview.'</td>
<td width="91%" valign="top" style="padding-left: 7px; padding-bottom: 7px;"><strong><a href="'.$full_link.'">'.stripslashes( $related['title']).'</a></strong><br /><noindex>
</table><br />';
%0<br><a>' );
$row['full_story'] = strip_tags%2'] ) $tpl->result['content'] = preg_replace( "'\[hide\](.*?)\[/hide\]'si", "\\1", $tpl->result['content']);
else $tpl->result['content'] = preg_replace ( "'\[hide\](.*?)\[/hide\]'si", "<div class=\"quote\">" . $lang['news_regus'] . "</div>", $tpl->result['content'] );
$news_id = $row['id'];
$allow_comments = $row['allow_comm'];
$allow_add = true;
if ( $config['max_comments_days'] ) {
if ($row['date'] < ($_TIME - ($config['max_comments_days'] * 3600 * 24)) ) $allow_add = false;
if( isset( $view_template ) ) $allow_comments = false;
$db->free( $sql_result );
if( $config['files_allow'] == "yes" ) if( strpos( $tpl->result['content'], "[et( '{favorites}', "<a id=\"fav-id-" . $row['id'] . "\" href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=favorites&doaction=del&id=" . $row['id'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "templates/{$config['skin']}/dleimages/minus_fav.gif\" onclick=\"doFavorites('" . $row['id'] . "', 'minus'); return false;\" title=\"" . $lang['news_minfav'] . "\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;border: none;\" alt=\"\" /></a>" );
} else
$tpl->set( '{favorites}', "" );
if( $row['votes'] ) $tpl->set( '{poll}', $tpl->result['poll'] );
else $tpl->set( '{poll}', '' );
if( $config['allow_banner'] ) include_once ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/banners.php';
if( count( $banners ) and $config['allow_banner'] ) {
foreach ( $banners as $name => $value ) {
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace( "{banner_" . $name . "}", $value, $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->set_block( "'{banner_(.*?)}'si", "" );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[category=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "#\\[category=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/category\\]#ies", "check_category('\\1', '\\2', '{$row['category']}')", $tpl->copy_template );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[not-category=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "#\\[not-category=(.+?)\\](.*?)\\[/not-category\\]#ies", "check_category('\\1', '\\2', '{$row['category']}', false)", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->set( '{title}', $metatags['title'] );
if ($smartphone_detected) {
if (!$config['allow_smart_format']) {
$row['short_story'] = strip_tags( $row['short_story'], '<p><br><a>' );
$row['full_story'] = strip_tags%2'] ) $tpl->result['content'] = preg_replace( "'\[hide\](.*?)\[/hide\]'si", "\\1", $tpl->result['content']);
else $tpl->result['content'] = preg_replace ( "'\[hide\](.*?)\[/hide\]'si", "<div class=\"quote\">" . $lang['news_regus'] . "</div>", $tpl->result['content'] );
$news_id = $row['id'];
$allow_comments = $row['allow_comm'];
$allow_add = true;
if ( $config['max_comments_days'] ) {
if ($row['date'] < ($_TIME - ($config['max_comments_days'] * 3600 * 24)) ) $allow_add = false;
if( isset( $view_template ) ) $allow_comments = false;
$db->free( $sql_result );
if( $config['files_allow'] == "yes" ) if( strpos( $tpl->result['content'], "[attachment=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->result['content'] %, "", $row['short_story'] );
$row['full_story'] = preg_replace( "#<!--dle_video_begin(.+?)<!--dle_video_end-->#is", "", $row['full_story'] );
$row['full_story'] = preg_replace( "#<!--dle_audio_begin(.+?)<!--dle_audio_end-->#is", "", $row['full_story'] );
$tpl->set( '{short-story}', stripslashes( $row['short_story'] ) );
$tpl->set( '{full-story}', stripslashes( "<div id='news-id-" . $row['id'] . "'>" . $row['full_story'] . "</div>" ) );
if( $row['keywords'] == '' and $row['descr'] == '' ) create_keywords( $row['short_story'] . $row['full_story'] );
else {
$metatags['keywords'] = $row['keywords'];
$metatags['description'] = $row['descr'];
if ($row['metatitle']) $metatags['header_title'] = $row['metatitle'];
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foreach ( $xfields as $value ) {
$preg_safe_name = preg_quote( $value[0], "'" );
if( empty( $xfieldsdata[$value[0]] ) ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\\[xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\](.*?)\\[/xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\]'is", "", $tpl->copy_template );
} else {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\\[xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\](.*?)\\[/xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\\]'is", "\\1", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = str_replace( "[xfvalue_{$preg_safe_name}]", stripslashes( $xfieldsdata[$value[0]] ), $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->compile( 'content' );
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else $tpl->result['content'] = preg_replace ( "'\[hide\](.*?)\[/hide\]'si", "<div class=\"quote\">" . $lang['news_regus'] . "</div>", $tpl->result['content'] );
$news_id = $row['id'];
$allow_comments = $row['allow_comm'];
$allow_add = true;
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if ($row['date'] < ($_TIME - ($config['max_comments_days'] * 3600 * 24)) ) $allow_add = false;
if( isset( $view_template ) ) $allow_comments = false;
$db->free( $sql_result );
if( $config['files_allow'] == "yes" ) if( strpos( $tpl->result['content'], "[attachment=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->result['content'] = show_attach( $tpl->result['content'], $news_id );
if( ! $news_found and ! $perm ) msgbox( $lang['all_err_1'], "<b>{$user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['group_name']}</b> " . $lang['news_err_28'] );
elseif( ! $news_found ) {
@header( "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found" );
msgbox( $lang['all_err_1'], $lang['news_err_12'] );
// Просмотр комментариев
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if( $comments_num > 0 ) {
include_once ENGINE_DIR . '/classes/comments.class.php';
$comments = new DLE_Comments( $db, $comments_num, $config['comm_nummers'] );
if( $config['comm_msort'] == "" ) $config['comm_msort'] = "ASC";
if( $config['allow_cmod'] ) $where_approve = " AND " . PREFIX . "_comments.approve='1'";
else $where_approve = "";
$comments->query = "SELECT " . PREFIX . "_comments.id, post_id, " . PREFIX . "_comments.user_id, date, autor as gast_name, " . PREFIX . "_comments.email as gast_email, text, ip, is_register, name, " . USERPREFIX . "_users.email, news_num, comm_num, user_group, reg_date, signature, foto, fullname, land, icq, xfields FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments LEFT JOIN " . USERPREFIX . "_users ON " . PREFIX . "_comments.user_id=" . USERPREFIX . "_users.user_id WHERE " . PREFIX . "_comments.post_id = '$news_id'" . $where_approve . " ORDER BY date " . $config['comm_msort'];
\"name\" value=\"{$member_id['name']}\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mail\" id=\"mail\" value=\"\" />";
else $hidden = "";
$tpl->copy_template = "<form method=\"post\" name=\"dle-comments-form\" id=\"dle-comments-form\" action=\"{$_SESSION['referrer']}\">" . $tpl->copy_template . "
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function reload () {
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document.getElementById('dle-captcha').innerHTML = '<img src="{$path['path']}engine/modules/antibot.php?rndval=' + rndval + '" border="0" width="120" height="50" alt="" /><br /><a onclick="reload(); r0A
$tpl->compile( 'content' );
} elseif( $member_id['restricted'] ) {
$tpl->load_template( 'info.tpl' );
if( $member_id['restricted_days'] ) {
$tpl->set( '{error}', $lang['news_info_2'] );
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$tpl->set( '{title}', $lang['all_info'] );
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$tpl->load_template( 'info.tpl' );
$tpl->set( '{error}', $lang['news_info_6'] );
$tpl->set( '{days}', $config['max_comments_days'] );
$tpl->set( '{title}', $lang['all_info'] );
$tpl->compile( 'content' );
} elseif( $config['allow_comments'] != "no") {
%0']}\" /><br /><a onclick=\"reload(); return false;\" href=\"#\">{$lang['reload_code']}</a></span>" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{sec_code}', "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\\[sec_code\\](.*?)\\[/sec_code\\]'si", "" );
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$tpl->set( '{editor}', $bb_code );
$tpl->set( '{text}', '' );
$tpl->set( '{title}', $lang['news_addcom'] );
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$tpl->set( '[not-logged]', '' );
$tpl->set( '[/not-logged]', '' );
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$tpl->set_block( "'\\[not-logged\\](.*?)\\[/not-logged\\]'si", "" );
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$tpl->copy_template .= <<<HTML
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function reload () {
var rndval = new Date().getTime();
document.getElementById('dle-captcha').innerHTML = '<img src="{$path['path']}engine/modules/antibot.php?rndval=' + rndval + '" border="0" width="120" height="50" alt="" /><br /><a onclick="reload(); return false;" href="#">{$lang['reload_code']}</a>';
$tpl->compile( 'content' );
} elseif( $member_id['restricted'] ) {
$tpl->load_template( 'info.tpl' );
if( $member_id['restricted_days'] ) {
$tpl->set( '{error}', $lang['news_info_2'] );
$tpl->set( '{date}', langdate( "j F Y H:i", $member_id['restricted_date'] ) );
} else
$tpl->set( '{error}', $lang['news_info_3'] );
$tpl->set( '{title}', $lang['all_info'] );
$tpl->compile( 'content' );
} elseif( !$allow_add ) {
$tpl->load_template( 'info.tpl' );
$tpl->set( '{error}', $lang['news_info_6'] );
$tpl->set( '{days}', $config['max_comments_days'] );
$tpl->set( '{title}', $lang['all_info'] );
$tpl->compile( 'content' );
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$tpl->load_template( 'info.tpl' );
$tpl->set( '{error}', $lang['news_info_1'] );
$tpl->set( '{group}', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['group_name'] );
$tpl->set( '{title}', $lang['all_info'] );
$tpl->compile( 'content' );